I doubt the one about black widow spiders is completely accurate. The adult females are able to bite humans, and, when they do, inject some venom. I’ll bet the males also have venom, but are not able to inject it into humans.
That’s the case with most spiders: They have venom, but are not able to position their mouth parts, including fangs, to bite us.
Templo S.U.D. over 5 years ago
So Jupiter’s spot will be gone by 2039 or 2040?
wjones over 5 years ago
Sense I never seen the red spot I won’t miss it.
MosheWaisberg over 5 years ago
’cos global warming
Jogger2 over 5 years ago
Steve Buscemi is a 911 hero. But, what is there about him we might not believe?
Jogger2 over 5 years ago
I doubt the one about black widow spiders is completely accurate. The adult females are able to bite humans, and, when they do, inject some venom. I’ll bet the males also have venom, but are not able to inject it into humans.
That’s the case with most spiders: They have venom, but are not able to position their mouth parts, including fangs, to bite us.
Gent over 5 years ago
So finally the great facial spot removal cream is invented and will be available in the markets by the next twenty years?
oakie817 over 5 years ago
thank you. Mr. Buscemi
jvn over 5 years ago
Steve Buscemi is a cherished national treasure.
Gerard:D over 5 years ago
Jupiter finally discovered female sanitary products.
NewPatriot778 over 5 years ago
Why didn’t they use the Buscemi fact 4 days ago?
gopher gofer over 5 years ago
and then jupiter will eat a chocolate bar and be worrying about another red spot for the next 200 years…