I admit to having attended many of those midnight release parties at Border’s Book Store. Most of those book stores are gone now: Borders, Dalton’s, Burrows, Waldens … even Barnes & Noble has close many of its brick & mortar stores. The end of the Potter series, combined with Amazon Book store online, and E-Books spelled their doom.
meg_grif over 5 years ago
If he likes reading about wizards named Harry, he should read the Dresden Files.
mrcooncat over 5 years ago
I admit to having attended many of those midnight release parties at Border’s Book Store. Most of those book stores are gone now: Borders, Dalton’s, Burrows, Waldens … even Barnes & Noble has close many of its brick & mortar stores. The end of the Potter series, combined with Amazon Book store online, and E-Books spelled their doom.
Breadboard over 5 years ago
Inspector Satchel on duty !
cubswin2016 over 5 years ago
Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!
Snoots over 5 years ago
And… now we fully understand Rob.
kozmikgal over 5 years ago
Deathly Hallows released July 31, 2007.
dlaemmerhirt999 over 5 years ago
That’s so adorable!!! I love Rob! Plus he has a shar pei like I do. <3
BlitzMcD over 5 years ago
That really, really speaks volumes….