Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for March 28, 2021
Hamhock: So you had an arranged marriage for a peace treaty, but the treaty didn't hold. Why not just get a divorce? Tyr: A divorce?? Never! Norse culture values the bond of marriage too much to dissolve it! Hamhock: But you don't value peace treaties enough not to dissolve them? Tyr: We really love fighting. Hamhock: Also explaining why you stay married.
syzygy47 almost 4 years ago
It reminds me of an episode of the 70’s series Kung Fu where this old guy, think he was asking Caine to marry him to a wooden statue, because he was trained in the marital arts. Caine corrects him, martial arts. Martial arts is about fighting. And the old man says something like it’s clear you’ve never been married.
Blackangus almost 4 years ago
Sun Tzu: The Art of Marriage
etonry almost 4 years ago
Actually, Vikings did have divorce. Men or women could demand one equally. One of the allowed reasons for divorce was cross-dressing: a woman who wore trousers or a man whose tunic was too low cut. One woman who wanted a divorce made her husband a new tunic that showed his nipples. Instant divorce.
knight1192a almost 4 years ago
Yeah right. At that time Norse culture was one of the few European cultures where the wife could divorce the husband. Most European cultures at that time only allowed the husband to divorce the wife. Norse culture allowed both spouses to file for divorce.
Rabbit Brown 2105-30 P coat almost 4 years ago
Who caused the disappearance of Mr. Butterworth? The lefsa lady or Mr. Potato head lines ?