Voice: Help! A monster!! Scrappy Lad: Finally! Some action!! Get ready to be pounded into Alpo, you mangy -- Noise: POP! Scrappy Lad: "See how it works out first," I said. "Don't pay for the long-term contract if you don't NEED to..."
Bet it was the wolfman there who was calling for help. After all Scrappy Lad’s large body and tiny head makes him look like some Dr. Frankenstein creation.
allen@home about 3 years ago
You get what you pay for Scrappy Lad. Boy that’s gonna hurt.
LawrenceS about 3 years ago
Does he read Brewster Rocket? He can borrow a line from Winky, “My spleen!”
WCraft Premium Member about 3 years ago
A better war cry would be “Pound you into Gaine’s Burger!”
willie_mctell about 3 years ago
cuzinron47 about 3 years ago
Should’ve taken note as when the expiration time will occur.
AndrewSihler about 3 years ago
Will he be receiving robo-calls for the next decade urging him to renew his Strength Transfusion warranty?
knight1192a about 3 years ago
Bet it was the wolfman there who was calling for help. After all Scrappy Lad’s large body and tiny head makes him look like some Dr. Frankenstein creation.
Dragoncat about 3 years ago
“I’d rather bite on someone my own size, but at least now you’re easier to swallow!”