Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for January 11, 2023
tyr: Dynaman, this corporate raider thing isn't for me. man: c'mon, you look great! Tyr: yeah, but I feel ridiculous. man: Looks trump feelings. tyr: I mean, if i'm gonna wear modern clothes, shouldn't it be something I'm comfortable in? Tyr: like this! Man: *Sigh* from gordon gekko to gomer pyle...
allen@home almost 2 years ago
Dynaman don’t knock Gomer Pyle. He was a Marine.
sergioandrade Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Looks more like Larry the Cable Guy.
LawrenceS almost 2 years ago
“Looks Trump feelings.” Strip was from 2009, or it would be a MAGA hat.
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
You can carry an axe now.
paul GROSS Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Need a key chain hanging from that belt
rugeirn almost 2 years ago
Gomer Pyle mostly wore military uniform. There’s no resemblance at all.
Wendy Emlinger Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Now he looks like a truck driver.
jmcenanly almost 2 years ago
He could keep the Viking gear as his superhero uniform and use the business suit as his disguise. It works well for Batman and Superman
knight1192a almost 2 years ago
That ain’t Gomer Pyle. Not even when Gomer was in Mayberry pumping gas and fixing cars did he wear anything like that. That’s more the classic stereotypical truck driver you don’t mess around with least they rip all your limbs off and proceed to beat you to death with thiem.