the problem is, we as an electorate, cannot decide what we want.if a politician (say, Bill Clinton) changes his position, he is “wishy washy” or “following the polls”. if a politician (say George W Bush) sticks to his position, he is “unyielding” or “too stupid to realize he was wrong” or “too stubborn to admit he was wrong”
and of course, this is all influenced by what we believe is the right course of action or were hoping he would do . . .whether they abandon the course we desired or change to the one we like determines our opinion on the “wisdom” of their action.
naturally, this doesn’t even account for the general mendacity of the political class as a group.
Algolei I over 5 years ago
No it’s not! And I am unanimous in that!
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member over 5 years ago
Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself.
Ida No over 5 years ago
Torn from tomorrow’s headlines. Another politician proves to be a lying hypocrite. Not really news.
jazzman831 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Hrumph. I don’t want this to be true, but the more I try to explain how it’s untrue the more I realize it isn’t.
gnome over 5 years ago
Hypocrisy is a foundational cornerstone of political debate. It is stunningly effective against logic, as it is accepted by those who don’t think.
ekw555 over 5 years ago
the problem is, we as an electorate, cannot decide what we want.if a politician (say, Bill Clinton) changes his position, he is “wishy washy” or “following the polls”. if a politician (say George W Bush) sticks to his position, he is “unyielding” or “too stupid to realize he was wrong” or “too stubborn to admit he was wrong”
and of course, this is all influenced by what we believe is the right course of action or were hoping he would do . . .whether they abandon the course we desired or change to the one we like determines our opinion on the “wisdom” of their action.
naturally, this doesn’t even account for the general mendacity of the political class as a group.
Stephen Gilberg over 5 years ago
“Well, no; you could have been lying. Which makes it even worse.”