Brewster Rockit by Tim Rickard for October 24, 2019

  1. Rick o shay
    wiatr  over 5 years ago

    I haven’t had any of that for… Heck, I can’t recall when I last had bacon.

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  2. Jmao9763
    mddshubby2005  over 5 years ago

    “Place mixture into 9”/13" bacon pan and cook for 30 minutes at 450 degrees."

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  3. Tigresstree  copy enh1
    Tigressy  over 5 years ago

    Karnor will approve.

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  4. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 5 years ago

    One-ingredient recipes are OK, Brewster…

    even a pound of one ingredient.

    But, unlike the cheese, this time I strongly recommend that you do cook it.

    Hope that doesn’t go beyond your kitchen skills.


    Oh…. and to answer whoever asked about yesterday’s joke…. sorry, a bit late to go see who that was….

    That was it, basically. Maybe you tried to overthink it.


    Brewster tried to follow a recipe for pasta Florentine, but the only ingredient he had was the cheese,

    So his version of making Pasta Florentine was just to eat a pound of cheese.

    Yeah, it’s simple.

    But so is Brewster.

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  5. Screenshot 2025 01 07 144350
    gantech  over 5 years ago

    I get a geek-oriented catalog (don’t think I can use the name here, but any geek out there will know which one I’m talking about). One of the offerings is a T-shirt that has from the periodic table of elements, the symbols for barium, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen.

    Ba C O N

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  6. Hobo
    MeGoNow Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Bacon sandwich. One piece of bacon between two others. Bacon wraps. Bacon wrapped in bacon. Bacon surprise. Surprise! It’s bacon!

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  7. Img 1610
    WCraft  over 5 years ago

    Every comedian needs straight man… (or woman)

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    DCBakerEsq  over 5 years ago

    If there’s bacon in Heaven, then what about people who refuse to eat it?

    I’m asking for a friend.

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  9. Bluedog
    Bilan  over 5 years ago

    After a few more of his recipes, Brewster is going to look like Cliff.

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  10. Calvin   hobbes   playtime in snow avatar flipped
    Andrew Sleeth  over 5 years ago

    Rickard, you’re baiting us with this stuff now, aren’t you? You want us to get thrown off the site, admit it.

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    AMBER1  over 5 years ago

    Mmm, bacon!

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  12. Toughcat
    bakana  over 5 years ago

    Bacon Wrapping is better.

    Bacon Wrapped Scallops are great.

    As is Bacon Wrapped Beef Tenderloin .

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  13. Missing large
    Baxnnex  over 5 years ago

    Cannot understand why Brewster is NOT in my L.A. Times…always so funny

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