Peanuts by Charles Schulz for July 22, 1973
Charlie Brown stands in front of the TV.<BR><BR> Charlie Brown is seated on a cushion, watching TV. A voice announces, "All right, golf fans, this is it..the old pro has to make this one..."<BR><BR> He leans forward. The voice continues, "He's down to the last putt, and he can't play it safe...he has to go for it..."<BR><BR> "There's no tomorrow!" the voice declares, as Sally walks up.<BR><BR> Sally panics: "THERE'S NO TOMORROW?!"<BR><BR> "THERE'S NO TOMORROW!!" Sally jumps off the doorstep.<BR><BR> "THEY JUST ANNOUNCED ON TV THAT THERE'S NO TOMORROW!!!" She shouts to Linus. His hair stands back in fear.<BR><BR> "THERE'S NO TOMORROW! THEY JUST ANNOUNCED IT ON TV!!" Sally screams at Snoopy, who jumps straight up in the air from his doghouse.<BR><BR> "PANIC! PANIC! RUN! HIDE! FLEE! RUN FOR THE HILLS! FLEE TO THE VALLEYS! RUN TO THE ROOF TOPS!"<BR><BR> Sally, Linus, and Snoopy all sit oin top of the doghouse. Linus says, "Somehow, I never thought it would end this way!" Snoopy thinks, "I thought Elijah was to come first..."<BR><BR>
harlequindugong1914 about 13 years ago
This is undoubtedly one of the funniest strips that Schulz ever drew, and it is certainly one of my absolute favourites. Snoopy’s comment in the final panel is priceless.
Bimps1002 over 12 years ago
Schulz, you genius xD
LadyBlanc almost 12 years ago
Little kids are so literal, and often unintentionally hilarious! Just don’t let them realize you’re amused!
phoenixnyc almost 3 years ago
Now, if Sally paid attention in school instead of griping about it, she’d know the meaning of the word “idiom”.
pinheadman 11 months ago
1973 for me has had some of the funniest strips by far. This one in particular is certainly up there