Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for November 20, 2019

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 5 years ago

    reminds me of Disney short “The Little House” (narrated by Sterling Halloway)

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    Lily.spokescat  over 5 years ago

    McMansions. Ugh.

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    whahoppened  over 5 years ago

    I remember them, big living room, tiny bedrooms.

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    dwane.scoty1  over 5 years ago

    There’s always 1 cremungean that won’t accept any offer regardless of the big $’s!

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    pcmcdonald  over 5 years ago

    I would think it would be the other way around, replace 300 little houses with 100 big ones.

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    posse1 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    …and yet, in the second panel there’s not a lawn ornament to be found.

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    J Quest  over 5 years ago

    that, and those deviled eggs!

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  8. Snoopy laughs
    HappyDog/ᵀʳʸ ᴮᵒᶻᵒ ⁴ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵘⁿ ᵒᶠ ᶦᵗ Premium Member over 5 years ago

    When I was around 5 or 6 my mother and I lived with my grandmother in a big old house. When I was around 60 I visited that town and was amazed at how small that house really was.

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    lookinside  over 5 years ago

    About 25 years ago I went to buy some concert tickets from a family in a very affluent area. We got there after sunset and when we were surprised that not one light or appliance was on in a 5000 square foot home. It was so dark we had a difficult time verifying the tickets were real. Conspicuous consumption at its best….

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    allanwishart  over 5 years ago

    They tore down 100 little houses and built 300 big ones? Interesting concept of zoning and proportion.

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    Sisyphos  over 5 years ago

    Grandma is a national treasure (except when pelting passing cars with boiled eggs). So is Big Shirley, the doggie with the Big Reputation. Not so sure about the lawn ornaments, to tell the truth….

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  12. Hamster
    rzander906  over 5 years ago

    what lawn ornaments…where are they…big Shirley ate them didn’t she.

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