Pluggers by Rick McKee for November 10, 2019

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    Baarorso  about 5 years ago

    I HATE situations like this. I don’t have the best memory for faces in the world and it always bugs me when people say to me “Hi there. Remember me?” and for the life of me I draw a blank!

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 5 years ago

    I’m not that old (yet), but there are occasions like that in my perspective.

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    jmworacle  about 5 years ago

    Just say nothing and nod.

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    Breadboard  about 5 years ago

    And my brain is saying where did I put your file ? I can’t seem to find it in all this clutter ;-)

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    Elite1grey  about 5 years ago

    well it has to be the other person’s mind

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    nyssawho13  about 5 years ago

    I provide transportation for people and this happens a lot. I find nothing wrong with asking the person to remind me why I know them. I tell them I need two out of three things to place them, face, name and address. Age doesn’t always have to be the culprit.

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    KEA  about 5 years ago

    I always figure it’s a former student… but since they’ve usually changed way more than I have, I try to say something innocuous

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    BearHamilton  about 5 years ago

    “Bear! It’s so good to see you! It’s been ages since we did (play, musical, review, showcase) how have you been? What show are you working on now?” Me in thought: “Oh God, who IS this person?”

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    Jim Kerner  about 5 years ago

    There are 2 different ways to know that you’re losing your mind. 1) You’re forgetful. 2) I forgot.

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    Dr_Fogg  about 5 years ago

    When my short term memory goes out of style. .. What?

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    GoComicsGo!  about 5 years ago

    I do have a memory, but at times I don’t know where it is.

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