Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for November 19, 2019

  1. Large 1699141985732
    shanen0  over 5 years ago

    Obviously they should link the scheduling so any time in London should involve a team that just played or is about to play a game on the east coast. I would guess that most players would prefer to have the longer leg of the trip before a home game rather than afterwards. I think the much larger problem is that they won’t be able to find enough Brits with tolerance for the level of violence in American football. The empty stadium will look bad.

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    Polsixe  over 5 years ago

    The violence is not an issue for Brits but the pace of the game is, 3 hours to see 60 minutes of game play is; however, not sure the attendance for the games already being played there. The recent World Cup Rugby for example is a much more free flowing game, England #2, Wales #4.

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  3. Boston
    MS72  over 5 years ago

    Let ‘em play the Jets or the Giants…

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    J Quest  over 5 years ago

    Attendance at Wembly has been good, consistently topping 80K. It’s hard to say if the novelty contributes much to that number, but it seems like, at least for now, they are not struggling to fill seats.

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    MichaelHelwig  over 5 years ago

    Which team wants to relocate to England?

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    Rick Parkhurst Premium Member over 5 years ago

    The Ravens would.

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  7. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 5 years ago

    What struck me as very sad last night, watching the Chargers lose (again) to the Chiefs at a packed Aztec Stadium, in Mexico City, Mexico was that there were more Charger fans in the stands in Mexico City than will ever be found in Los Angeles.

    Maybe the Charges should consider a move to Mexico?

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    [Unnamed Reader - 2e48b2]  over 5 years ago

    I looked up the distances, and found that London to Boston is FURTHER than Seattle to Miami.

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    Sailor46 USN 65-95  over 5 years ago

    The time difference is 5-8 hours depending on where you live, that is a significant problem for us fans. Otherwise who cares, they are multimillionaires, do your job where ever it is.

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  10. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  over 5 years ago

    Am I one of the few people who actually watched NFL Europe games?

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