So he sinks a “sleek” private yacht capable of crossing, and then, after a sleepless night of chart-staring, commits multiple homicides (very tidily, I might add … not a spot on him), and rows off to … find something worth more than the million-dollar boat he just bilged,
The economics of this story are more baffling than the last, and that one had Tarzan forgetting the mad professor’s cave of gold.
billcor about 5 years ago
o, he probably had a good reason.
WoodstockJack about 5 years ago
So he sinks a “sleek” private yacht capable of crossing, and then, after a sleepless night of chart-staring, commits multiple homicides (very tidily, I might add … not a spot on him), and rows off to … find something worth more than the million-dollar boat he just bilged,
The economics of this story are more baffling than the last, and that one had Tarzan forgetting the mad professor’s cave of gold.
Eye rolling is commencing.
BigDaveGlass about 5 years ago
Hope it was insured ..
Polsixe about 5 years ago
Good old GM Diesel Power, product placement advertising.
J Short about 5 years ago
Realizes he left all the charts and paperwork on the boat, just as it slips beneath the surface.
Old Comic Strip Lover about 5 years ago
Man, that is one huge bag of provisions he loaded onto that lifeboat.
davidf42 about 5 years ago
I’m beginning to think this guy is up to no good.
profkatz about 5 years ago
What’s in that huge sack at the stern of Cross’s rowboat… gifts for the natives?
sundogusa about 5 years ago
Finally, a REAL bad guy. The last one was a rookie!
anomaly about 5 years ago
And then the lifeboat springs a leak and Cross drowns before reaching shore. Tomorrow, the start of a new adventure.
KennethJ.Grider about 5 years ago
Ships motor by G.M. . It’s the last ship motor you’ll ever buy.
Ushindi about 5 years ago
“Tarzan And The Octopus God”—62 days worth of love and lust in the jungle/high seas/wherever…