For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for January 08, 2020

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 5 years ago

    Oh, I can hardly wait until I’m a father when I get to do these kinds of exercises with the mother of my child(ren) (as soon as I find a woman to be my child[ren]’s mother).

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    capricorn9th  about 5 years ago

    Elly looks too pregnant for 5 months. The baby isn’t due until April. 5-month belly, with exception of multiples, is subtly noticeable – not the beach ball tucked under the shirt I am seeing here. Anyway, this class helped me. I learned the breathing technique and focal point which were huge help. And these skills helped me beyond birth
whenever I am in pain, I still do this – find a focal point and puff, especially when driving on highways
a lifesaver. The puffing helps calm me down and process through the pain. When I have a vertigo attack, I do this. In the birth room, my focal point was the mirror on the ceiling with the reflection of the back of my doctor’s head. My sons were born 27 and 26 years ago and I still remember. The mirror was intended for the mothers to see the birth but I declined it and told him to move it up so I could focus on my breathing instead and the delivery went quickly and I believe it was my focus and breathing that made the delivery process more quickly.

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    Fishenguy Premium Member about 5 years ago

    My wife and I went through all these classes, then she ended up needing a c-section. So I wasn’t in the operating room anyhow!

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    jpayne4040  about 5 years ago

    Fight through it, John. Just keep thinking about the new baby.

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    Wren Fahel  about 5 years ago

    While those classes were “fun”, I liked the parenting classes. My husband almost got us kicked out, tho. He has an interesting talent of working stuffed animals and dolls like puppets, but realistically, and he kept having our baby-doll react to things. People walking past our class kept looking in to see who brought in the “real” baby!

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    rlaker22j  about 5 years ago

    wait till you hear the famous words ‘you did this to me’

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    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Suck it up buttercup. Prepare yourself for when she needs to hold your hand during labor. You will feel pain. Not as much as her but she will pass along as much as she can so you don’t feel left out.

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    33Angel  about 5 years ago

    I love this comic and am here going over it for the second time. John is becoming SUCH a narcissistic POS the longer I read. I don’t recall feeling this way about him before. I’m much older now and in a very different place in my life. I certainly wouldn’t put up with his attitude and comments in any of my relationships

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    summerdog  about 5 years ago

    I remember I didn’t want to be touched or talked to, in the later stages of my labor. You know
the kind that feel like your back is breaking and you will be torn in two! Or someone is reaching up into your guts to squeeze them into mush! Or giant bands of steel are wrapping themselves around your middle
.from the inside! (who says we forget labor pain?) I was busy then
don’t distract me! Oh yeah, husbands were not allowed in the delivery room in the 70’s in my area. We had no birthing classes offered, either. I did it twice. That was it for me! Didn’t want to do it again.

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    j.l.farmer  about 5 years ago

    give him one of those fake pregnancy bellies and then he can imagine how awkward she feels!

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    lookinside  about 5 years ago

    My wife was of Native American heritage. The girls were taught to remain silent during labor.Anyway, my wife was very petite, normally at 5’1" she weighed 95 pounds. I sat with her through three births. During the first labor, about 6 hours in she let out a small grunt. My mother in law chided my wife and was quickly escorted(by me) into the waiting area. I’m a big guy, over 220 pounds and 6’1". My spouse was FAR tougher than I am. BTW, my spouse refused painkillers. She didn’t want to miss any of the experience!

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    howtheduck  about 5 years ago

    John is

.the slowest


.ever. It looks like it takes him a long time to complete a thought.

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  13. Airbender
    Airbender  about 5 years ago

    Anyone else remember the “Get me some drugs” scene from “Look Whose Talking”?

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    Foob  about 5 years ago

    In the last panel, is Elly spitting, crying, or sneezing?

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    BluNova  about 5 years ago

    And yet Elly is the one of the weird positions!

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    WilliamPennat  about 5 years ago

    That’s because you are. (Been there, done that

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    Mary McNeil Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Too bad John has no idea how she got pregnant

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    ariel777000  about 5 years ago

    Birthing classes were taken over by medical professionals by the 90’s in the US. Instead of the Lamaze methods I learned in the 70’s, what I heard was how wonderful epidurals were. And sure enough, almost no woman in my class had a natural birth. I did—by using what I had learned years before. The “updated” professional class was almost no help.

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