Ten Cats by Graham Harrop for November 26, 2019

  1. Robson 052 19 05 03  600x600
    More_Cats_Than_Sense  about 5 years ago

    As it’s Tuesday, there must be CATS!!















    TC!!#8 – We’ll end the run of my cat pictures with my present feline companion, Misty, she’s a Birman/Maine Coon cross, and the spitting image of the late Lone Ranger. She’s an indoor cat, but is allowed supervised outings into the unsecured garden for a kip in the long grass if I’m working outside, she has a 6′×3′ (2m x 1m) outside run she can access at all other times. She’s twelve years old, and has been with me six years.


    TC!!#8a – Bonus Misty picture, she likes to lay like this, belly rubs are permitted :-)


    TC!!#8b – Another bonus Misty picture, outside in her run. She can access the run via a cat flap from the conservatory.


    TC!!#8c – Yet another bonus Misty picture, enjoying the late afternoon sun during a supervised garden time.




    Bonus Bunnies on Tuesday!!!









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  2. Robson 052 19 05 03  600x600
    More_Cats_Than_Sense  about 5 years ago

    Great poem Graham! :-)

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    mpguy2  about 5 years ago

    Thank you, Graham, for bringing feral cats to mind as we start the holiday season. There are programs for taking care of these vagabonds. People can find useful information at the web sites for organizations like Alley Cat Allies and Alley Cat Rescue. Let’s hope some of these kitties find their way into people’s homes.

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    laughingkitty  about 5 years ago

    Once again. just one “holiday” today.

    It’s National Cake Day! What more do we need? Let’s all have CAKE!

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    ladykat  about 5 years ago

    Graham, that’s a lovely, touching poem.

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    FrannieL Premium Member about 5 years ago

    We had to take a ‘vagabond’ cat and her two kittens to the no kill shelter last week. It took us 4 months of drama to get that accomplished. When the female showed up in July, we didn’t know she was a she, we fed her and took care of her. One day in September, s/he showed up with two kittens, then we knew. They were adorable and my husband wanted to wait to trap them until she weened them. We live in a very harsh weather area and I will be 80 next month. I didn’t think I could care for them properly, so they are, hopefully, being socialized so they can be adopted. Sad story, but hopeful.

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    jessegooddog  about 5 years ago

    Thank you Graham, for another special poem. Now go towards the light, Jack!

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    bbear  about 5 years ago

    BBEAR’s Tuesday posts:

    1. Cats can either be total jerks or very loving and affectionate. Which kind do you have?


    2. They make sure we don’t get lost or attacked on the way.


    3. The Vet? Oh, I thought you said the Met.


    4. I named my cat Atlas because she likes to hold up the second floor.


    5. It sure beats waking up alone.


    6. A cute kitten post: baby kitty’s first encounter with a mouse. (it didn’t go well)


    7. Another reason why cat owners don’t put tinsel on their Christmas trees anymore.


    8. Would you buy a used car from this salesman?


    9. A cute kitten post: when your kitten has got game.


    10. The first Tribble landed on Earth 5 years ago and nobody knows about it.


    11. My poor attention-starved kitty.


    12. This family has their own novel take on a nativity scene (no blasphemy intended).


    13. This Maine Coon almost looks like a terrier.


    14. Shift change on the farm. ‘Mornin’ Sam… ’Mornin Ralph.


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  9. Booboo
    bbear  about 5 years ago

    A gathering of the local family from Indiana, Ohio and West Virginia for Thanksgiving means dinner for 34 plus or minus a few. I have to go out today and get two fresh turkeys in the 13 to 15 pound range (we got tired of cooking 23 pounders). There will also be a spiral sliced ham and 25 pounds of mashed potatoes etc..

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    eladee AKA Wally  about 5 years ago

    I love these poems. I think Graham should collect them all into a book someday.

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    PuppyPapa  about 5 years ago

    This can be sung very nicely to the tune of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”!

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    tad1  about 5 years ago

    Great pictures today. :)

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    tad1  about 5 years ago

    Beautiful poem. :) Quite poignant. On another note, saw a varied thrush, a crow and a chickadee while out walking today.

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    rush.diana  about 5 years ago

    For the past fifteen years my next-door- neighbor and I have cared for an outside feral cat that she TNR’ed. We named him Duke because he walks with a John Wayne swagger and has a crooked mouth.

    She has a feeding station set up with heated food/water bowls and we set up a warm bed in our car CoverIt shelter so he would have a place to sleep and hang out protected from the winter elements and predators. In the winter we even shovel a path from the shelter to the feeding station.Many, many cats have come and gone through the neighborhood yet old Duke somehow survived all of the dangers. Oh he has scared us plenty over the years, disappearing for days at a time and when it hit minus 20, as it always does in January and February, we worried sick that he wouldn’t make it. With yet another winter coming we shared our concerns that he would not be able to survive it. But he would not let us touch him and he was too smart to fall for being trapped again.

    Then…….two months ago he walked up to my neighbor as she was going out her door…..she held it open, stood to the side and told him was OK, he could come inside and be safe for the rest of his life…….he strolled right in. It was his decision, his terms

    Now he sleeps beside the pellet stove, has a belly full of wet food and has become a total lap cat! He shares the home with five other cats (all former strays) and he won’t even go NEAR the door to outside. I would never have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes – he climbed right up on my lap and rubbed my hand as if to say “thank you for helping to care for me all those years”

    We are SO relieved he is inside and safe and loved for however many years he has left. Duke finally got his happy ending.

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