George was just saying in yesterday’s strip that he’d stupidly allowed Cross to catch him. I guess he doesn’t learn from his past stupidity, and apparently Tarzan doesn’t learn from George’s past stupidity either.
Tarzan quickly utters the distress cry of the bat (too high for Cross to hear). The bats fly out of the cave, pick Cross up, and drop him into Kraka’s waiting arms.
Cross should have just shot them, bang bang; but he makes the mistake that so many fictional villains make: “Before I shoot you, I’m going to brag about what I’ve been up to.”
billcor about 5 years ago
An idiot. they always have to discuss victory. what’s to discuss?
favm about 5 years ago
Wait, as long as you are going to shoot us, could you explain………….
finkd about 5 years ago
Will Tarzan and George make it out of this predicament alive ? Come back tomorrow for our next exciting episode “You’re fired!” or “Get the lead out”.
meg_grif about 5 years ago
George was just saying in yesterday’s strip that he’d stupidly allowed Cross to catch him. I guess he doesn’t learn from his past stupidity, and apparently Tarzan doesn’t learn from George’s past stupidity either.
MartinDamary about 5 years ago
Cross is cross that the guy on the cross crossed the red line and double-crossed him?
Polsixe about 5 years ago
Shoot from the hip in that situation, no need to take the extra time aiming, Tarzan is too fast.
tripwire45 about 5 years ago
Tarzan’s finely honed jungle senses have failed him.
J Short about 5 years ago
Now, it’s gonna be tough to find 4 of those bamboo stalks with that V configuration.
Old Comic Strip Lover about 5 years ago
Tarzan quickly senses that Cross may not be the insurance man that he says he was.
profkatz about 5 years ago
Time for one of Tarzan’s ape buddies to hit crooked Cap’n Criss Cross full in the face with a large coconut!
anomaly about 5 years ago
Tarzan quickly utters the distress cry of the bat (too high for Cross to hear). The bats fly out of the cave, pick Cross up, and drop him into Kraka’s waiting arms.
Ray_C about 5 years ago
Cross should have just shot them, bang bang; but he makes the mistake that so many fictional villains make: “Before I shoot you, I’m going to brag about what I’ve been up to.”
Gent about 5 years ago
Don’t tell me Cross is going to miss Tarzan by that much again!
ScottHolman about 5 years ago
However, The Tarzanator slyly draws his knife and, insect quick, hops on Cross and slits his throat, all in an incredible blur of motion.