Monty by Jim Meddick for December 26, 2019

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    M2MM  about 5 years ago

    You are so right!

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    Randallw  about 5 years ago

    Don’t forget to put in a little oil. I cook my chips in an Airfryer amongst other things and they’re alright. They’re healthier that way

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  3. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 5 years ago

    If you do them right they are. I hardly use my deep fryer anymore. My brother did wings with his Christmas and they were great. Nuking the cut potatoes for a bit and then spraying with oil and air frying works best. Like double frying in oil. Get them sort of sort then crisp them up.

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  4. Plsa button
    Richard S Russell Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Reminds me of this bit of office humor from back in the days when such stuff was only transmitted via nth-generation Xeroxes:

     The 6 Phases of a Project:

     (1) Enthusiasm

     (2) Disillusionment

     (3) Panic

     (4) Search for the Guilty

     (5) Punishment of the Innocent

     (6) Praise and Honors for the Non-Participants

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  5. Marvin
    Smokie  about 5 years ago

    Should have been one more panel where all this stuff goes to the landfill so the madness can start again next year.

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  6. Ufo
    Kroykali  about 5 years ago

    I’m thinking that’s a french fry in Fleshie’s mouth but the colorist got it wrong.

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  7. Ufo
    Kroykali  about 5 years ago

    So who gave him all that stuff? He doesn’t seem to have a family.

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    clayusmcret Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Think about the little girl who got the best Christmas present ever; a banana. She had not yet learned to want more than she needed.

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  9. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Cool what, Monty?

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    chriscc63  about 5 years ago

    tru dat

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    jel354  about 5 years ago

    Like children playing with the freshly unwrapped toy for a few minutes before getting bored.

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    circleM  about 5 years ago

    Did Fleshy’s fry get colored pink in the process or is that his tail?

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  13. Stinker
    cuzinron47  about 5 years ago

    More stuff for the junk closet.

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  14. Cgc
    chain gang charlie  about 5 years ago

    Grease…the most addictive thing to the human brain…Next is alcohol….Civilization is built upon them….And don’t you think the fast food joints and supermarket chains know that…

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    WCraft  about 5 years ago

    There is no greater misnomer or contradiction that’s the two words: Air-fried!

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  16. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 5 years ago

    Yup. That’s pretty much the way the cycle plays out.Air-anything cooking gadgets are a bust. I remember we once got an air-popcorn maker; used it once or twice and then went back to the old way….

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    wwward1948  about 5 years ago

    If you want healthy, air dry chard…

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