The Buckets by Greg Cravens for December 23, 2019

  1. Calvins
    Algolei I  about 5 years ago

    I love getting empty boxes! Every year, after everyone else has opened their gifts, I go around the rooms looking for empty boxes I can snag.

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  2. Missing large
    whahoppened  about 5 years ago

    Did that to my brother except I taped money to the outside bottom! Had to show ’im.

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  3. Bobbyavatar
    Saddenedby Premium Member about 5 years ago

    wrapped boxes are so pretty

    the bows and the paper so grand

    till you open it holds all your dreams

    then the moment………………

    just socks tied with a band

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  4. Saxon
    Nuliajuk  about 5 years ago

    What are they, cats?

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  5. Stinker
    cuzinron47  about 5 years ago

    Now, if you had a cat that problem would be solved.

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    patlaborvi  about 5 years ago

    plan my family we were always allowed to open one Christmas present on Christmas eve, it wasn’t until years later that we realized that the bigger gifts were placed under the tree until after we went to bed.

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