@Number Six Today’s strip IS funny , our HERO Mr Andrew Capp is so blind drunk that he went to the wrong house wasting a very good excuse and miffing the lady of THAT house :o) my avatar is of a wife peeking over her hubby’s shoulder and pouring coffee in his lap instead , that must have hurt , glad it has not happened to me :o) how was your day? ours should be busy but calm , now that my better half is feeling much better, BCNU pal
Templo S.U.D. about 5 years ago
better get out, Andy, or else Jo(?)’ll call the cops on you
AFFICIONADO about 5 years ago
@Number Six Today’s strip IS funny , our HERO Mr Andrew Capp is so blind drunk that he went to the wrong house wasting a very good excuse and miffing the lady of THAT house :o) my avatar is of a wife peeking over her hubby’s shoulder and pouring coffee in his lap instead , that must have hurt , glad it has not happened to me :o) how was your day? ours should be busy but calm , now that my better half is feeling much better, BCNU pal
Dirty Dragon about 5 years ago
Andy would get shot in 37 US states if he did that.
pcolli about 5 years ago
How did he get in if he didn’t have the key?
Michael G. about 5 years ago
Any port in a storm!
Troglodyte about 5 years ago
Andy, you just can’t “go with the Flo” here!
rshive about 5 years ago
And the wrong street too.
cuzinron47 about 5 years ago
Make that a couple MORE problems with that story.
the lost wizard about 5 years ago
Wonder if she has any beer.
MarkKahler about 5 years ago
Difference, please, between a row house and a council house (I’m a citizen of the US)
Huckleberry Hiroshima about 5 years ago
Bit of a classic, this one.
GoComicsGo! about 5 years ago
Mediatech about 5 years ago
I hate when that happens.
edreajr about 5 years ago
THAT ought to teach that lady to lock her door!
Cornelius Noodleman about 5 years ago
Stay Andy, Maybe she can cook better than Flo.
tad1 about 5 years ago
WHOOPS! Better skedaddle before her husband gets home!
Orcatime about 5 years ago
So close and yet so far. How was he able to get into a house not his own?
Dragoncat about 5 years ago
Have we finally met Flo’s sister…?