Betty by Gary Delainey and Gerry Rasmussen for January 17, 2020

  1. Sylvester1
    Nachikethass  about 5 years ago

    I don’t usually endorse violence – but in this case…

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  2. Nc201206
    some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member about 5 years ago

    You could be half way through the second bottle by now.

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  3. A selfie2
    Brian G Premium Member about 5 years ago

    You are not buying a house or adopting a dog, it is just a dinner’s accompaniment! If you choose wrong you learn by default and move on. live on the edge!

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  4. Man with x ray glasses
    The Reader Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Is this going to be a seven-game series, home-and-home or sudden death?

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  5. Img 0952
    joegeethree  about 5 years ago

    Gosh! Betty just sucks the joy out of life.

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    WaitingMan  about 5 years ago

    7:50 AM. I have a bottle of Old Grand Dad 114 sitting around. This arc is making me want to hit it. Hard.

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    fuzzmoz  about 5 years ago

    I need a glass of wine just from following this arc!

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    jackianne1020  about 5 years ago

    So, once Betty decides on a bottle—correction, once her app decides on a bottle—they should buy that one and the one Bud chose, take them home and try them. I bet Bud’s wine will be better.

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  9. Watermelon avv
    car2ner  about 5 years ago

    if the app was made by millennial, don’t trust your taste buds to it. it seems younger people have a different pallet. Just look at the odd ball fruit infused beers and IPAs they seem to like.

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  10. Photo
    DaveQuinn  about 5 years ago

    By the time they decide…they will no longer want it.

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    fix-n-fly  about 5 years ago

    Don’t overthink this Betty. Pick one, pay for it, and enjoy it (once you are back home).

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  12. Imag0020
    PuppyPapa  about 5 years ago

    For God’s SAKE woman, just BUY a bottle before you die of THIRST!!!

    =I’M= ready to die of thirst myself, reading this !

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