Kenny reminds me of my neighbour the way he can glide over the snow. Where I live near the sea we don’t get the very heavy frost very often. This particular year (2006) it was exceptionally bad. All the road surfaces were covered in black ice especially the little lanes between our houses. We couldn’t understand how our neighbour was walking around as if there was no frost at all while we were all slipping all over the place. Then we found out his secret. He was wearing his spiked golf shoes.
allen@home about 5 years ago
Don’t be that way Will. Pit bulls just weren’t made for snow like huskies are.
MY DOG IS MY CO PILOT about 5 years ago
Kenny reminds me of my neighbour the way he can glide over the snow. Where I live near the sea we don’t get the very heavy frost very often. This particular year (2006) it was exceptionally bad. All the road surfaces were covered in black ice especially the little lanes between our houses. We couldn’t understand how our neighbour was walking around as if there was no frost at all while we were all slipping all over the place. Then we found out his secret. He was wearing his spiked golf shoes.
heathcliff2 about 5 years ago
Huskies are cool. The only problem is they know it.
Zebrastripes about 5 years ago
Had a beautiful Alaskan Malamute…..loved to roll in the snow and shovel it with his nose….that’s okay, buddy! Not all dogs like the snow….
ocarol7 Premium Member about 5 years ago
Will, it’s the snow you hate, not the huskies who were made for it-
BJIllistrated Premium Member about 5 years ago
This would be me (Will) watching my son and his kids swoosh down the sloops. Never got the hang of skiing or boarding like they have.
Ricky Bennett about 5 years ago
I hate him too, but I’ll let it slide…
cuzinron47 about 5 years ago
Kenny just being cool.
Plods with ...™ about 5 years ago
jealous of the glasses?
Mediatech about 5 years ago
Kenny’s cool leaves Will cold.