The butterfly flap is based on too few data points. If there were only 100 weather sensors, and I made a complex weather model, the effect of any 1 sensor on the whole model is huge. Therefore a small effect, like a “butterfly flap” at one of the sensors can make my weather model predict extreme events. The flap doesn’t affect the weather, only the model.
Packratjohn Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Shoulda gone with good cop….
LakeOrion almost 5 years ago
“Dow down 300”?Move along nothing to see here…
Huckleberry Hiroshima almost 5 years ago
the epitome of guilt-tripping.
joe19 almost 5 years ago
The butterfly flap is based on too few data points. If there were only 100 weather sensors, and I made a complex weather model, the effect of any 1 sensor on the whole model is huge. Therefore a small effect, like a “butterfly flap” at one of the sensors can make my weather model predict extreme events. The flap doesn’t affect the weather, only the model.
Pickled Pete almost 5 years ago
butterfly effect
INGSOC almost 5 years ago
The monarch’s milkweed investment within the stock market has dropped..
Ushindi almost 5 years ago
Best Good Cop-etc. ever (IMOP) (some bad language at first):
bigplayray over 4 years ago
I love this strip. I’ts so random!