It’s funny how people mock Harry and Meghan. But she was independently wealthy, having earned her wealth rather successfully. And he was born into a gilded cage, one where he did his duty to the country for many years. Now it’s time for them to have a chance at being a family. Please explain how that’s “gullible”.
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
You’d be better off with Andrew. Harry seems quite a bit more aware.
Zykoic almost 5 years ago
Michael Peterson Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Yeah, people who put the good of their families first are fools.
cdward almost 5 years ago
It’s funny how people mock Harry and Meghan. But she was independently wealthy, having earned her wealth rather successfully. And he was born into a gilded cage, one where he did his duty to the country for many years. Now it’s time for them to have a chance at being a family. Please explain how that’s “gullible”.
cuzinron47 almost 5 years ago
I guess you haven’t heard, he’s been cut off.
Teto85 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
You don’t realize how smart Harry and Meghan are. You are the foolish one. But then again the Teitelbaums are trumpfluffers, so they are that stupid.
Zykoic almost 5 years ago
Brilliant foresight to be born rich.