Pickles by Brian Crane for March 04, 2011

  1. Missing large
    Llewellenbruce  almost 14 years ago

    Because women are always right Earl.

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  2. Ben pawst
    serenasakitty  almost 14 years ago

    He’s finally learning.

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  3. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    I don’t buy that, Llewellenbruce - especially in Opal’s case.

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  4. Veggie tales
    Yukoner  almost 14 years ago

    I solved that dilemma years ago. I refuse to empty the dishwasher. After all, it’s woman’s work.

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    dugharry  almost 14 years ago

    Yep! a bloke cant do right for doing wrong as far as women are concerned. and that’s from experience!!!

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  6. Owls 96
    gjsjr41  almost 14 years ago

    You too, eh, Dughenry?

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    cdward  almost 14 years ago

    I don’t mind doing work, but I admit, my experience is similar to the other guys. I load the dishwasher, and my wife leans over my should and tells me I’m putting things in the wrong way. I unload it, and she tells me I’m putting them in the wrong place. Yet, I like where I put them.

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  8. Kitty at sunset
    wicky  almost 14 years ago

    I don’t buy it either Llewellenbruce, it is just more drivel beaten into our heads by our mothers.

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    Mythreesons  almost 14 years ago

    His posture in the last panel is the same as the first panel. Hunched over the paper that has gotten smaller and smaller over the last few years, and printed some days so pale you can’t read it. I’m assuming he is reading my local paper.

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  10. Jerry lakehead
    jtviper7  almost 14 years ago

    That’s why I’m single……………………..

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  11. B w catpaw
    joefish25  almost 14 years ago

    It’s because you married a benign harpy, Earl.

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    peter0423  almost 14 years ago

    The worm turns…rock on, Earl!

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  13. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Because that’s the way it is Earl!

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    LuvThemPluggers  almost 14 years ago

    A glass pitcher shouldn’t be that hard to find. Look around, Opal!

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  15. Madmen icon
    Kyrrdis  almost 14 years ago

    I resemble this strip… specifically, Earl… I tend to -er- put dishes where they fit.

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  16. Glass eye 002
    joanne13  almost 14 years ago

    another truth be told!!!!!!

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    christie35  almost 14 years ago

    As a poster in a forum I read asks, “if two men are at sea with no women around, are they both still wrong?

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  18. Cat asks you to sign a contract
    notinksanymore  almost 14 years ago

    Probably because each dish has a place that it belongs and after several decades of marriage Earl still doesn’t know the system!

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  19. Jack ricki
    laujack  almost 14 years ago

    Earl must learn that wives must have something to bleeep at. Then keep your head down and say yes.

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    andymeijers  almost 14 years ago

    Solution is simple- keep the clean dishes in the dishwasher, and stack the rinsed dirty ones in the sink. When you run out of clean dishes, move the dirty ones from sink to dishwasher, add soap, and press the button.

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  21. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  almost 14 years ago

    She will nag whether he does something right OR wrong!

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  22. Large steve45
    JP Steve Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Shouldn’t that be the other way around? “If I put things away and you can’t find them it’s my fault: if you put things away and I can’t find them I’m a moron.”

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    andreadler  almost 14 years ago

    r u sure thats why ur single?

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    newworldmozart  almost 14 years ago

    I have the same problem when either my son or husband unloads the dishwasher. I have certain spots were everything goes. But they haven’t (or don’t care to) learned where all the spots are at. BUT because I enjoy their help, I just go and ask where they put such and such at. Thankfully they remember better than Earl does. Most of the time it was right under my nose and I couldn’t see it.

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    Frankie5466  almost 3 years ago

    I’m sure the issue is that Earl puts things away wherever he feels like and Opal always puts them in the same place. Which is why Earl is a moron when he can’t find the things she has put away -they’ve been in the same place for decades! I’m actually pretty surprised Earl put any dishes away tho!

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