Real Life Adventures by Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich for March 09, 2011
Man: Think of it this way: The democrats and republicans are like me and sid next door. We aren't really friendly ,but we get along ok. And the tea party is like the crabby guy across the street who doesn't like anybody and calls the police every time some kid steps on his lawn.
Plods with ...™ almost 14 years ago
‘bout sums it up.
Old Salt almost 14 years ago
I think you could skip the racist comments
Qiset almost 14 years ago
This comic should be in the editoral section along with the two others that I’ve read today that basically said the same thing.
Jolly1995 almost 14 years ago
Hey , watch it, watch it! Democrats tax and spend, tax and spend and allow big business to send American’s jobs overseas - they put this country in the mess it is in, TAX and SPEND, TAX and SPEND……..
PatriotNJ almost 14 years ago
Ah…kind of right I think.
The Tea Party is the Crabby guy across the street (true), but he is not calling the cops, he is telling all the other neighbors how the father and Sid from next door are in cahoots, breaking into peoples sheds and stealing everyone’s stuff as they sleep.
Using the term “Racist” when it does not apply deminishes its true meaning and hurts people who are Victims of Racisim as they try to reach out for help.
starcandles Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Us TeaParty persons want a return to fiscal sanity. Why you think that makes us “crabby” is beyond me. We do not subscribe to the “entitlement” mentality. I have read this strip for eons, & you may want to consider keeping the specific politics out of it. This really ruined it for me this morning. The funnies are a safe haven- a way to begin one’s day with a laugh until “Real Life” hits the moment you walk outside.
David Tanton almost 14 years ago
Uninformed and ignorant biases make for poor comics. You’re off my list now.
Nelly55 almost 14 years ago
great comic
love the analogy
jimbo1949 almost 14 years ago
Tax and spend didn’t create this mess. Cut taxes, borrow and spend is the reason.
runar almost 14 years ago
‘Cept the Republicans want to sell your yard and contract it out to private landscapers.
mcgeesl2 almost 14 years ago
thats all i can stand, I have eliminated you as a comic page favorite. Why don’t you are the editors place this strip in the editioral section, on the liberal demoritic side.
oldmxer almost 14 years ago
every once in a while one of these jokers gets cute and decides to pull back the curtain and I have to cut another liberal knucklehead off my cartoon list
RealLifeWhat almost 14 years ago
Crabby? You’d be crabby too if you extracted your heads out of the sand and realized that our country is being led down the path to bankruptcy by what seems to be the ruling elite of both parties. It’ll be a “Real Life Adventure” for every American when runaway inflation sets in and you’ll be able to buy a loaf of bread with a wheel barrow full of thousand dollar bills.
risalee almost 14 years ago
Wow. It’s easy to see how true your cartoon is by reading the comments here.
yesterdaydelights almost 14 years ago
Great analogy!! Love it!!
Nelly55 almost 14 years ago
I’m sure Gary and Lance are crushed by all of you leaving their site…………
BeResponsibleForYourself almost 14 years ago
Since when is not wanting everyone to be responsible adults, more freedom and lower taxes mean spirited? Liberal LOVE to vote to raise taxes, but that’s because it won’t include them. The lazy/tax cheating ones don’t pay, and the wealthy/tax cheating ones don’t either. Same old same old. Raise taxes on the OTHER guy. I hope that enough people get fed up with liberal comic strips that the newspapers drop them…
soundpreacher almost 14 years ago
I have yet to understand why anybody associates the Tea Party with racism, except to try to discount them out of hand. “Oh yeah? Well… you’re a booger-brain!”
Spade Jr. almost 14 years ago
Gary, Live up to your last name and DON’T DO POLITICS. We’ve already elected enough political jokes in my lifetime that we don’t need any more, especially in the funnies.
Jenni Frovarp Premium Member almost 14 years ago
That was great. Thanks for being a jerk on the COMICS page. Not going to subscribe to somebody who insults me personally.
pschearer Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Violations of my rights make me crabby too.
lmf22purple almost 14 years ago
What a great way to explain it - some people are just born crabby and because “misery loves company” they need to drag everyone else along
VDB1190 almost 14 years ago
I am dumbfounded at the levels of ignorance some people are still wallowing in. To think that over-taxing Big Business for making a profit is going to force them to create more jobs for a sinking economy is totally ludicrous. Those that think they deserve something for nothing are going to crush this country, one hand-out at a time. Get off my lawn.
skippy666 almost 14 years ago
May come of crabby but geeze I feel like I got labeled. See how he is trying to be funny but is more insulting. So what would any “green party/enviromental” people be ahh the crazy lady down the street that has not mowed the lawn for a decade that has twenty cats and keeps trying to have the kids come in to have some Jasmine tea.
Ya sometimes politics might make a cartoon/ comic strip interesting but their is a whole genre devoted to that if I want to read them. Remember “Republicans buy sneakers, too”. Tea Party people read comics too.
rlaaldi Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Hi folks, Lance here. The democrat, republican, tea party panel was meant to be a gentle poke at everybody. If you got offended, sorry. But one political comment every 3580 or so panels seems pretty tame to me. I’m sorry if you feel you can’t allow us that after 20 years of doing this. I hope those of you who have sworn us off will cool off and keep reading. Respectfully, Lance Aldrich