In the original Grimm version of the tale, the frog changed back into a prince after the princess threw him against a wall. “Horrific frog abuse by out of control princess. Terrified ex-amphibian describes his ordeal”.
Does anyone know what that dunce-cap-type headgear from the Middle Ages is called? In the ‘toon world, every princess has to wear one, which is how you know she’s a princess.
Superfrog almost 5 years ago
I’ll bet the story will include handsome prints.
gopher gofer almost 5 years ago
more like pondparazzi…
Concretionist almost 5 years ago
Paparazzi are slime dwellers…
Kaputnik almost 5 years ago
In the original Grimm version of the tale, the frog changed back into a prince after the princess threw him against a wall. “Horrific frog abuse by out of control princess. Terrified ex-amphibian describes his ordeal”.
Mayor Snorkum almost 5 years ago
Does anyone know what that dunce-cap-type headgear from the Middle Ages is called? In the ‘toon world, every princess has to wear one, which is how you know she’s a princess.
Lablubber almost 5 years ago
You always expect trouble with pond scum.
Lakegal almost 5 years ago
So which one does the thought balloon emanate from?