Ugh. This is exactly what has happened with our dog, a Golden Retriever. Our property butts up against a vast woods. We have deer in our back yard every night eating our acorns. We used to let our dog run free, but he started chasing the deer, and severely injured his hind leg, either due to running or getting kicked by a buck. This happened about six to eight weeks ago, and has been limping ever since. We have him on a leash now to prevent him from chasing the deer, but I’m guessing the damage is done. I expect him to have a game leg the rest of his life. 8^(
Dirty Dragon almost 5 years ago
I hope Nate didn’t forget the three cases of tomato juice on his last shopping trip.
I suggest getting your clothespins ready now, crew.
wldhrsy2luv almost 5 years ago
donwalter almost 5 years ago
mmm…smart, like tractor…
jpayne4040 almost 5 years ago
ROFL! Like dog, like owner!
ForrestOverin almost 5 years ago
Good for tomato juice sales, though…
saltylife16 almost 5 years ago
The Captain is getting the week started out right. His leadership abilities on full display.
capkidd almost 5 years ago
I don’t have room to say all the great things about Labs. Suffice it to say, the ARE the best dogs and friends ever.
Pathfinderman almost 5 years ago
Even if Labs aren’t the smartest, they are among the nicest.
roxietox almost 5 years ago
I just love how Louie is drawn in the first frame.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Oh I don’t know Henry. I think Louie is a LOT smarter than you!
Good morning Crew!
dv1093 almost 5 years ago
Ugh. This is exactly what has happened with our dog, a Golden Retriever. Our property butts up against a vast woods. We have deer in our back yard every night eating our acorns. We used to let our dog run free, but he started chasing the deer, and severely injured his hind leg, either due to running or getting kicked by a buck. This happened about six to eight weeks ago, and has been limping ever since. We have him on a leash now to prevent him from chasing the deer, but I’m guessing the damage is done. I expect him to have a game leg the rest of his life. 8^(
AtariDragon almost 5 years ago
Fortunately, that was not a skunk, but a melanistic squirrel.
KennethJ.Grider almost 5 years ago
Skunk takes aim, blasts, Louie dodges, blast from skunk hits funny guy in ball cap.
Rodeo Boy almost 5 years ago
I can just hear Nelson say, “Smell you later.” :-)
Shikamoo Premium Member almost 5 years ago
I don’t know about Labs, but Henry isn’t the brightest kid on the block, that’s for sure.
Good evening, Crew!
rgcviper almost 5 years ago
Teamwork at its finest …
Good Evening, Crew.