Bliss by Harry Bliss for April 07, 2020

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  almost 5 years ago

    That wasn’t on the radio. It was on a tape and your folks played it to mess with you.

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    Strob  almost 5 years ago

    I always thought that said “Sweet Emily will die”.

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  3. Get smart shoe phone
    gopher gofer  almost 5 years ago

    just imagine how he felt about crawlin’ king snake

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    jagedlo  almost 5 years ago

    Riders On The Storm

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    theincrediblebulk  almost 5 years ago

    It did not help matters that my parents picked up every hitchhiker they encountered.

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    Breadboard  almost 5 years ago

    Just read “No One Here Gets Out Alive” 

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    J Short  almost 5 years ago

    It’s his brain that’s squirming like a toad.

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    Lee26 Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    That’s why I always play my own music in my car. Classic Rock gets overplayed. Same ‘classic’ songs over and over and over again.

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  9. Cropped narragansett indian logo
    The Pro from Dover  almost 5 years ago

    Its still a gret song. His brain is squirmin like a toad is a great line.

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  10. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  almost 5 years ago

    I was lucky. My family trip “earworm” was “Puff the Magic Dragon”

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  11. Large robin
    NaturLvr  almost 5 years ago

    Never cared for the Doors gloom & doom goth style. Prefer my music to be more upbeat/uplifting.

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  12. Triumph
    Daeder  almost 5 years ago

    For me the most difficult lyric to understand in “Riders on the Storm” was “Take a long holiday” (before “Let your children play”.

    The odd cadence Morrison uses when singing that line made it really hard for me to understand what the words were.

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  13. Animated
    listmom  almost 5 years ago

    I loved that song when I was little. It was especially perfect when traveling in a rain storm in a VW bug. For some reason.

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