If I was working in a corporation I might bring a statue of an elephant for some meetings. We did have monkey rag doll to be placed on the director’s back whose quota was not met.Ah, the old days of cigar smoke, crude jokes and backstabbing…..
Please, stop, you’re making his ears burn.
I thought it was the 500 lbs. gorilla in the room, no one wants to talk about.
Zykoic almost 5 years ago
If I was working in a corporation I might bring a statue of an elephant for some meetings. We did have monkey rag doll to be placed on the director’s back whose quota was not met.Ah, the old days of cigar smoke, crude jokes and backstabbing…..
The Reader Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Please, stop, you’re making his ears burn.
Yontrop almost 5 years ago
I thought it was the 500 lbs. gorilla in the room, no one wants to talk about.