Brevity by Dan Thompson for April 13, 2020

  1. Mm wp001
    allen@home  almost 5 years ago

    Bite me.

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    whahoppened  almost 5 years ago

    I was being a pink elephant in a tutu, OK?

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  3. Jmao9763
    mddshubby2005  almost 5 years ago

    Look – the rest of the precinct has ignored the elephant in the room – why can’t you?

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  4. Winslow4
    Quantum Leaper  almost 5 years ago

    Just your average Republican, who can remember yesterday…

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  5. Jack noire comic
    LordDogmore  almost 5 years ago

    Well at least he’s addressing “The Elephant in the Room”

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    jpayne4040  almost 5 years ago

    Curses! Foiled again!

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  7. Beer o clock
    Doug Taylor Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    How do you kill a blue elephant?

    With a blue elephant gun.

    How do you kill a gray elephant?

    Twist his trunk until he turns blue, then shoot him with a blue elephant gun.

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    Zebrastripes  almost 5 years ago

    If you don’t start talking, I will be forced to bring in the Meece taask force

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    CrzyDyeman  almost 5 years ago

    It’s tough being an elephant with Alzheimer’s.

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    Bill The Nuke  almost 5 years ago

    If I ever had to provide an alibi for something that happened more than a week ago, I’d be doomed.

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  11. Freedom
    bookworm0812  almost 5 years ago

    My sixth grade teacher was the size of an elephant. You couldn’t trick him into forgetting anything either.

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