Prickly City by Scott Stantis for April 18, 2020

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    stellanova87  almost 5 years ago

    My daughters out a couple Teddy bears and a magwai in the living room window.

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    Cheapskate0  almost 5 years ago

    Sad is the people dying of this disease, and yet, for the very few lucky ones, this is as close as they get to seeing a loved one before they go…

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    Sanspareil  almost 5 years ago

    tRump said earlier that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and still get elected.

    Now because of his complete and total bungling response to the virus, he has murdered many, many more and will probably get elected again.

    yet so many people and corporations support this!

    America is truly a marginalized country now.

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    Silly Season   almost 5 years ago


    Dr. Emily Landon – chief infectious disease epidemiologist at the University of Chicago Medicine.

    This virus is unforgiving. It spreads before you even know you’ve caught it and it tricks you into believing that it’s nothing more than a little influenza.

    For many of us, it may be just a little flu so it can be very confusing when schools are closed, restaurants are shuttered and now this virus is taking what’s left of our precious liberty.

    The real problem is not the 80 percent who will get over this in a week. It’s the 20 percent of patients, the older, those who are immunocompromised, those that have other medical problems who are going to need a bit more support- some oxygen or even a ventilator and life support.


    Our healthcare system doesn’t have any slack. There are no empty wards waiting for patients or nurses waiting in the wings. We barely even have enough masks for the nurses that we have.


    All we have to slow the spread is distance. Social distance. If we let every patient with this infection infect three more people and then each of them infect two or three people, there won’t be a hospital bed when my mother can’t breathe very well or when yours is coughing too much.


    We need to fight this fire before it grows too high. But these extreme restrictions may seem in the end a little anticlimactic because it’s really hard to feel like you’re saving the world when you’re watching Netflix on your couch but, if we do this right, nothing happens.

    Yes. A successful shelter in place means that you will feel like it was all for nothing.

    And you would be right. Because “nothing” means that nothing happened to your family and that’s what we are going for here.


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    timbob2313 Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    OK what happened to Scott Stantis? Where is the GOTP POV even tho her claims that he hates Trump. GOTP=cult Trump

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    RobinHood  almost 5 years ago

    When everything’s wrong

    When I can’t find my song

    When darkness is all I see

    There is a remedy

    It’s all the little things that make the world go round

    It’s all the little things that are almost powerful

    There’s no politician, no sky too dark

    No one, no one can take the love from my heart

    The sun gonna shine

    And in this heart of mine

    The sun gonna shine

    And in this heart of mine

    The sun gonna shine, ooh ooh, it’s true

    Cause I can always be grateful

    When the loudest sound

    Is your own life crashing down

    And when your friends, when your friends, they don’t come around

    There’s one true thing I’ve found

    It’s all the little things, the bells that ring

    The green green grass and the birds that sing

    I’m gonna choose the bright side to see

    And no one, no one, no one can take that from me

    ’Cause the sun gonna shine

    And in this heart of mine

    The sun gonna shine

    And in this heart of mine

    The sun’s gonna shine, ooh ooh, it’s true

    Cause I can always be grateful

    So bring it on, bring it on, bring it on, bring it on now

    Bring it on, bring it on, bring it on, bring it on, bring it on, bring it on now

    Sing it on, sing it on, sing it on, sing it on now

    I’m singing on, I’m singing on

    Singing on

    ’Cause the sun gonna shine

    And in this heart of mine

    The sun’s gonna shine

    And in this heart of mine

    The sun’s gonna shine, ooh ooh, it’s true

    ’Cause I can always be grateful

    The sun gonna shine

    And in this heart of mine

    The sun gonna shine

    And in this heart of mine

    The sun’s gonna shine, ooh ooh, it’s true

    ’Cause I can always be

    Oh I can always be

    ’Cause I can always be grateful

    Jewel Kilcher

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    PaulKmecak  almost 5 years ago

    I guess having to be a pretend teddy bear ain’t no picnic

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