Kit-Kats. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that hot dog we saw you with at the end of “Forked Road” was tofu or something. But those were ’60s Kit-Kets. All the milk chocolate and twice the suffering.
Years from now, these two will be sitting across a table from each other in Efe’s Kebab Shop while Mildew chows down on shawarma and talks about what a good vegan she used to be. I don’t know who she thinks she’s fooling.
She’s not making up the bit about the octopus, though.
This was originally a single-row strip that got expanded to fill out the page for publication. The whole top row was added, and the last panel was redrawn completely differently, though the dialogue stayed the same. I’m not sure why; I think it might have been because the perspective was wonky in the original art.
Interesting, the intelligent octopus has no qualms about eating other, possibly intelligent, creatures. Life requires other life to sustain itself. Make me wonder how life ever left enough other life on its plate to prevent death by starvation, the self eating snake must eat extremely slowly.
John Campbell 8 months ago
You know what else vegans don’t eat, Mildew?
Kit-Kats. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that hot dog we saw you with at the end of “Forked Road” was tofu or something. But those were ’60s Kit-Kets. All the milk chocolate and twice the suffering.
Years from now, these two will be sitting across a table from each other in Efe’s Kebab Shop while Mildew chows down on shawarma and talks about what a good vegan she used to be. I don’t know who she thinks she’s fooling.
She’s not making up the bit about the octopus, though.
This was originally a single-row strip that got expanded to fill out the page for publication. The whole top row was added, and the last panel was redrawn completely differently, though the dialogue stayed the same. I’m not sure why; I think it might have been because the perspective was wonky in the original art.
daijoboo Premium Member 8 months ago
The Parsnip
The parsnip, children, I repeat
Is simply an anemic beet.
Some people call the parsnip edible;
Myself, I find this claim incredible.
—Ogden Nash
poppacapsmokeblower 8 months ago
Interesting, the intelligent octopus has no qualms about eating other, possibly intelligent, creatures. Life requires other life to sustain itself. Make me wonder how life ever left enough other life on its plate to prevent death by starvation, the self eating snake must eat extremely slowly.
hablano 8 months ago
How many vegans do you squeeze,To get a pound of vegan cheeze?
6turtle9 8 months ago
Save an aubergine! Eat a vegan today!
willie_mctell 8 months ago
I stopped eating calamari a couple of years ago,
RonBerg13 Premium Member 8 months ago
Oh my!! Our girls are growing up!
Our girls are becoming beautiful young women!!
Aladar30 Premium Member 8 months ago
I really love the friendeship between Lottie and Mildred.