“What, you haven’t seen it? What are you, living in the prehistoric age???”
That movie DID have time travel in it, right?
I’m impressed that they had the stone carving technology to make the rock dock that the accused is sitting in.
He didn’t planet.
Cue Thus Spoke Zarathustra!
Cue ‘Also sprach Zarathustra’
Bones kill people!
Good morning Dave
Nairobi Trio
The monolith was the real culprit, but it’s already made its getaway to the moon.
Even australopithecines go bald, apparently.
enigmamz almost 5 years ago
“What, you haven’t seen it? What are you, living in the prehistoric age???”
Concretionist almost 5 years ago
That movie DID have time travel in it, right?
Kaputnik almost 5 years ago
I’m impressed that they had the stone carving technology to make the rock dock that the accused is sitting in.
Jeffin Premium Member almost 5 years ago
He didn’t planet.
Sojourn almost 5 years ago
Cue Thus Spoke Zarathustra!
Bill D. Kat Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Cue ‘Also sprach Zarathustra’
Nate England almost 5 years ago
Bones kill people!
chief tommy almost 5 years ago
Good morning Dave
PO' DAWG almost 5 years ago
Nairobi Trio
The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member almost 5 years ago
The monolith was the real culprit, but it’s already made its getaway to the moon.
Stephen Gilberg almost 5 years ago
Even australopithecines go bald, apparently.