When someone left a yellow pages sort of thing around town a year or two ago, a friend said “Oh, how CUTE! They printed part of the internet for us!”. I, on the other hand, went around the neighborhood collecting the bags they came in because our city had banned plastic grocery bags and I use ’em to collect cat litter.
allen@home over 4 years ago
Should get a lot of business.
Concretionist over 4 years ago
When someone left a yellow pages sort of thing around town a year or two ago, a friend said “Oh, how CUTE! They printed part of the internet for us!”. I, on the other hand, went around the neighborhood collecting the bags they came in because our city had banned plastic grocery bags and I use ’em to collect cat litter.
wldhrsy2luv over 4 years ago
Nailed it!
SHIVA over 4 years ago
Genius Mr. AAA……………….!!!
eromlig over 4 years ago
He went on to found the only alcoholics group for aardvarks…
Milady Meg over 4 years ago
No braaainer.
MichaelHelwig over 4 years ago
He got that from Dear Aaaaabby
Nighthawks Premium Member over 4 years ago
and just to be sure, that’s Aaron Aaardvark’s Termite Control
The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member over 4 years ago
He caaan only help you if you’ve got termites in your caaar.
Lablubber over 4 years ago
geese28 over 4 years ago
Hmm he’s going places. May even turn into a franchise
Stephen Gilberg over 4 years ago
That can’t be common advice, or we’d have a lot more businesses starting with A.
Cerabooge over 4 years ago
Of course, when the van breaks down, it’s time to call Triple A.