Peanuts by Charles Schulz for October 23, 1966

  1. Archdean
    LadyBlanc  about 12 years ago

    Ha! Charlie Brown wins one! (Until she punches him, that is.)

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    MrJamie1062  over 11 years ago

    I have a Peanuts comic book, with this strip in it; I believe it’s the one entitled “You’re Something Special, Snoopy.” Also, Panels 2 and 3 were featured in this Peanuts Dictonary, which was published in the 1970s—Panel 2 was used to demonstrate the definition of “over”(as Snoopy jumps OVER the bush to escape Lucy), and Panel 3 was used to demonstrate “fast”(Snoopy running FAST from Lucy.) Some others might remember this Peants dictionary—it was published circa 1975—first, the original dictionary form, then, in 1977-1979, an 8-volume expanded and revised edition, was published—a number of words had been added to the dictionary, plus the end of each volume featured each of the 50 states(depending on what letters were in the volume-for example, Volume 1, featuring A and B, had had the states Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, and Arkansas at the end), and it showed a Peanuts character holding the state flag, and had a brief biography on the state in question. Anyway, I thought I’d post that interesting fact, on this strip, that it was featured in the aforementioned dictionary, in both the original and 8-volume editions.

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    tdoug1  almost 10 years ago

    Yea Charlie.

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    jbruins84341  almost 8 years ago

    Crime of opportunity.

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    ootey  over 7 years ago

    I love this!!

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    weatherford.joe  over 5 years ago

    You’re treading on thin ice there, Charlie Brown.

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    Daeder  over 3 years ago

    Good ol’ Charlie Brown, always thinking on his feet!

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    phoenixnyc  about 3 years ago

    Score one (finally!!!) for good ol’ Charlie Brown!!!!

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    Avatar???  about 2 years ago

    Woah he did something good for once

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    FrostbiteFalls  over 1 year ago

    Too good an opportunity to pass up.

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