“IT Department, Dave speaking.” “Um, hi Dave, all our computers just blew up at the same time.” “Well, did you try a reboot?” “Um no, they blew up!” “Try this step, CTL-ALT-DEL.!” “Dave, you dolt, they ALL blew up!” “Okay, okay, then I want you to type in this command script: SHIFT•OPTION<<*we\\®•IT•\\&//((dont))<||{give}||<<@>>{{crap}}•ESC
CRTs used to do this sort of thing when they got old: build up a shockingly good charge on the screen. I have yet to see it with the LCD/OLED monitors.
allen@home over 4 years ago
Bleeb is having a big chuckle. After his alien tech blew up all of their computers.
Strob over 4 years ago
Should have paid the ransom.
whahoppened over 4 years ago
A literal “Bolt out of the Blue”(screen of death)!
nosirrom over 4 years ago
If only there was an app like that for spam callers.
saltylife16 over 4 years ago
Did Bleeb drop his glasses?
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 4 years ago
This is what really happens the day after Microsoft Patch Tuesday.
Michael G. over 4 years ago
EMP! Nearer than you think!
P51Strega over 4 years ago
But we saved so much by going with the lowest bidder.
the lost wizard over 4 years ago
I need a new screen saver.
mike75035 over 4 years ago
The computers are getting rid of Coronavirus.
CrzyDyeman over 4 years ago
The one guy looks shocked to be there and everyone else is burnt out.
geese28 over 4 years ago
Is this some form of Quickening? (Highlander fans would understand this) ;)
Dobie Premium Member over 4 years ago
“IT Department, Dave speaking.” “Um, hi Dave, all our computers just blew up at the same time.” “Well, did you try a reboot?” “Um no, they blew up!” “Try this step, CTL-ALT-DEL.!” “Dave, you dolt, they ALL blew up!” “Okay, okay, then I want you to type in this command script: SHIFT•OPTION<<*we\\®•IT•\\&//((dont))<||{give}||<<@>>{{crap}}•ESC
cuzinron47 over 4 years ago
The blue screen of death is getting a bit physical.
Not Again over 4 years ago
IT tech: Can you recreate the failure?
enigmamz over 4 years ago
This is why you don’t use 2-prong adaptors on your surge protectors!
Boise Ed Premium Member over 4 years ago
Does anyone here get what’s going on? Why are the monitors all breaking?
Boots at the Boar Premium Member over 4 years ago
CRTs used to do this sort of thing when they got old: build up a shockingly good charge on the screen. I have yet to see it with the LCD/OLED monitors.
WCraft Premium Member over 4 years ago
That’s what happens when everyone in the office is binge watching old tv shows at the same time.
daking27 over 4 years ago
“Did you try rebooting the computer?”