Drabble by Kevin Fagan for June 26, 2020

  1. Figaro 1
    Wilde Bill  over 4 years ago

    If Wally had gotten an answer, that would mean that Alexis is capable of mind reading.

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  2. Missing large
    momofalex7  over 4 years ago

    Has Wally actually seen a badger?

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  3. Donna
    stillfickled Premium Member over 4 years ago

    I wish the temp here was 79 degrees.

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    JD'Huntsville'AL  over 4 years ago

    Alexis, what is a Whopper burger?

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    dlkrueger33  over 4 years ago

    Her name is ALEXA, not Alexis.

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    jagedlo  over 4 years ago

    What would you have done if you were told where the badgers are hiding, Wally?

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    1953Baby  over 4 years ago

    Does Alexis know what a badger is? Does she know the difference between the animal badger and the verb badger? How about a sports team named badger? Does ALL this knowledge of the English language have to be programmed into Alexis before it’s ready for use?!? Do I need to worry about this?

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    Clotty Peristalt  over 4 years ago

    Every time I see an illustration of a “smart speaker”, I’m struck again by how mostly useless they are. If I want to know the temperature outside, I either glance on my laptop or the indoor/outdoor thermostat in the living room. Why is everybody so anxious to portray these things (internet-connected always-on microphones, remember), when there is so little actual utility in them. Speech-recognition is the least efficient way to interact with computers.

    Sorry. I just don’t get it. NPR is also always trying to cajole us into listening to them on one.

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    hooglah  over 4 years ago

    “Alexa, tell me something you don’t know”……watch it will burn up.

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  10. Stinker
    cuzinron47  over 4 years ago

    It’s not that, she just can’t read thought balloons. When she can do that, it’s time for her to disappear.

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  11. Smokeystover  2
    gbars70  over 4 years ago

    Ask Siri…

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  12. Narragansett 1976 small
    xrilander  over 4 years ago

    109 degrees currently here in the Mojave Desert!

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  13. Flowers pininterest
    whenlifewassimpler  over 4 years ago

    Oh Wally no worries I am on your side!

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