One of our granddaughters asked me to convince her mother to let her a tattoo. I told her to get one that would look good with her prom gown. The look one her face was priceless. In any case, she wasn’t old enough, so it really didn’t matter.
I REALLY wanted to ask the background but held off. She finally explained it involved an infant granddaughter and shiny earrings she used to wear, back when she could. Kind of sweet, if you think of it. I am reminded of it every time I see the First child/Second child commercial where they tell the babysitter that the baby (second child) loves shiny things so it would be wise to lose the hardware in her nose.
macky87 over 4 years ago
If she slips and falls right now, some of that stuff will “dig right in.”
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 4 years ago
She’ll never pass any metal detectors.
theincrediblebulk over 4 years ago
Guess she is going to grow up and be a huge punk rock music fan, or at least look like one.
dwane.scoty1 over 4 years ago
After all that stuff falls off, Agnes should consider selling Ads to post on that Schnozzola!
jpayne4040 over 4 years ago
Somehow, I don’t think Grandma will be as enthusiastic.
Dani Rice over 4 years ago
One of our granddaughters asked me to convince her mother to let her a tattoo. I told her to get one that would look good with her prom gown. The look one her face was priceless. In any case, she wasn’t old enough, so it really didn’t matter.
well-i-never over 4 years ago
I do not like them in the nose,
I do not like them in eyebrows.
I do not like them, no I don’t,
(Nothing out there rhymes with don’t.)
Ukko wilko over 4 years ago
They look like they were shot in the face with a load of scrap metal.
Wlly Blly over 4 years ago
“Your nose will dig right in”. The image of Agnes using her schnoz as a braking device had me on the floor.
ChessPirate over 4 years ago
Ooo, yes! Studded, steel-belted snow noses! ☑️
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 4 years ago
Actually, the nose will rip right off.
I knew a lady whose earlobe was an inverted V.
I REALLY wanted to ask the background but held off. She finally explained it involved an infant granddaughter and shiny earrings she used to wear, back when she could. Kind of sweet, if you think of it. I am reminded of it every time I see the First child/Second child commercial where they tell the babysitter that the baby (second child) loves shiny things so it would be wise to lose the hardware in her nose.
Plods with ...™ over 4 years ago
…and if you sneeze? Whoo boy howdy. shrapnel
Alberta Oil over 4 years ago
Good thing this is a family cartoon.. going for body piercings would get the censors involved.