And as Mojo Nixon observed, there’s a great many people in the U.S. who have nostalgia for an era that never existed: that magical, mythical time when all was “great” and “perfect” and “everyone” was “free” from “government tyranny.”
Cicero in De Oratore: Siomindes of Ceos had invented the concept of a “memory palace,” that would allow a person to remember anything. "According to Cicero, Themistocles wasn’t much impressed with the poet’s invention: “I would rather a technique of forgetting, for I remember what I would rather not remember and cannot forget what I would rather forget.”
dwane.scoty1 over 4 years ago
Sneaky! I guess an ancient history lesson was in order!
artsyguy65 over 4 years ago
And as Mojo Nixon observed, there’s a great many people in the U.S. who have nostalgia for an era that never existed: that magical, mythical time when all was “great” and “perfect” and “everyone” was “free” from “government tyranny.”
Michael G. over 4 years ago
State Assembly, then the House!
fritzoid Premium Member over 4 years ago
“Webster, play ‘I Forgot to Remember to Forget’ by whatsisname, the kid with the hair.”
hwlabadiejr over 4 years ago
Cicero in De Oratore: Siomindes of Ceos had invented the concept of a “memory palace,” that would allow a person to remember anything. "According to Cicero, Themistocles wasn’t much impressed with the poet’s invention: “I would rather a technique of forgetting, for I remember what I would rather not remember and cannot forget what I would rather forget.”
scaeva Premium Member over 4 years ago
I’ve been doing that most of my life (take your pick … %^D