Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for May 08, 2011
Man: I don't understand... still now news of a counterrevolution! Duke: What a surprise. Speaking. Who's this? Voice: Mr. Duke, this is Hollis from accounts receivable at Overkill Systems, and how are you today, sir? Duke: You don't care, so get to the point. Voice: Well, sir, we're showing on outstanding balance of $59,179,435 on your account. Duke: That's ridiculous. The last bill was only $50 million. Voice: There's a 2.7% late fee - compounded daily. Duke: Look, as I told your boss, when I get paid, you'll get paid! Voice: Yes, sir. But until them I'm afraid we'll be holding one of your assets. Duke: Really. What asset is that? Voice: We have your son, Earl. Earl: Boy, do you not know Pop. Duke: He's not actually my kid. What else you got?
IncognitoPenguin almost 14 years ago
Would have been a great Father’s day edition…but close enough!
Coyoty Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Duke is a mother.
Sandfan almost 14 years ago
Trying to blackmail Duke is like trying to embarrass Trump. Just can’t be done.
babka Premium Member almost 14 years ago
boy does he not know his father….
lewisbower almost 14 years ago
Always thought they were not cut from the same cloth
roctor almost 14 years ago
Disavow any knowledge.
Happy Mothers Day!
Alabama Al almost 14 years ago
Blood … turnips … all that. Just what does Overkill think he’s accomplishing with all this? The mere fact Duke and Earl are available to easily contact and kidnap is fairly much proof they don’t have $60 mil (minus some change) squirreled away somewhere. Overkill is undoubtedly aware that Bmzklfrpz’s assets are frozen and effectively no longer exist, so forget the mistitled “President-For-Life.” GT having Overkill’s company handling this matter (in their own way) like it’s an overdue credit card statement is a nice touch of satire.
Yes, I know all of this is satire and isn’t actually supposed to correspond to reality, but still …
YatInExile almost 14 years ago
Would have been a great Father’s day edition…but close enough! Maybe GT will rerun it on Fathers’ Day.
@Alabama_Al: did you get through the tornadoes OK?
Alabama Al almost 14 years ago
To jmd4lsu:
Fortunately, my family and friends got through the April 27 storms without injuries and no significant damage. Sadly, however, a sub-division about three miles north of my home was almost completely destroyed by one of the tornados, with loss of life and many injuries. I very foolishly stood on our front steps and watched the tornado pass by; one of the most chilling things I’ve ever witnessed. Also, the power grid was so severely damaged that almost the entire northern Alabama area was without electricity until Monday morning (May 2) or later. Things are returning to normal in Huntsville and the other areas, but obviously those locations in Alabama and elsewhere directly hit by the tornados are going to look like war zones for a good while to come.
rockngolfer almost 14 years ago
In the local print newspaper they omitted the first two panels.
FriscoLou almost 14 years ago
Good to hear you and your family are OK Al, my thoughts go out to your neighbors.
cdhaley almost 14 years ago
In the next-to-last panel, GT’s drawing skill is on full display. We’d love to see Duke’s expression of triumphant cynicism, but GT knows he can’t draw faces and eyes convincingly. So instead he draws those ever-present shades, positioning the reflective green tints where Duke’s eyes might be. And he uses the generic Doonesbury nose—with its shadow beneath on the upcurled lip—to give Duke’s absent antagonist the finger.
Dragoncat almost 14 years ago
All that duct tape for nothing…
And the King of Denial still can’t accept the cold, hard fact that the people fired him…literally.
FreakOfZonk almost 14 years ago
Go Duke, go! ♥♥♥♥♥
Doughfoot almost 14 years ago
Check out other DoonesburySunday strips, the first couple panel are throwaways, nice to have but not absolutely necessary. This has been true through all the 40 years the strip has run. Some papers print them, others do not. The cartoonist has to, in effect, provide both a long and short version of each Sunday strip.