Thatababy by Paul Trap for July 27, 2020

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 4 years ago

    as a grocery store employee, I too wonder of that (I know there are signs asking to wear masks inside the store unless you have some exception like asthma or something)

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    LastRoseOfSummer 1  over 4 years ago

    Around here, no mask no entry!

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  3. Speedyicon
    ninjanick101  over 4 years ago

    Covidiot alert!

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  4. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member over 4 years ago

    it’s not you.

    it’s your blorts

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    WCraft Premium Member over 4 years ago

    It’s not you, kid. They hate their own grandparents

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    Doctor Toon  over 4 years ago

    I’m 58 years old with copd and I wear a mask 8 hours a night stocking groceries

    I want to keep breathing and keep working

    If you want to keep breathing and keep shopping, wear your mask

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    Lynnjav  over 4 years ago

    Yes, wearing a mask can be uncomfortable (probably NOT as uncomfortable as being on a ventilator). I have allergies, and among them are (1) those that cause sneezing and a post-nasal drip, and (2) a contact latex allergy. Wearing elastic on my skin causes a rash, so conventional masks would be a bit more than uncomfortable. So I made my own. I found a pattern on line, purchased pre-quilted fabric on line, and with bias tape encasing the elastic, hand sewed my mask one evening. The sneezing and dripping are still uncomfortable, but I wear my mask (and I wash it, too), and will continue to do so because I have respect for others, I take responsibility for my own actions, and I care about you – and you, and you, and

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    Shinrinder Premium Member over 4 years ago

    It’s not about you
it’s all about them.

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    Boots at the Boar Premium Member over 4 years ago

    I wear one now that it’s mandated by the county/city, but begrudgingly. It’s not going to stop the virus. I need no further proof of this than my glasses getting steamed up. Oh look at the virus-laden vapor escaping!

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  10. Dryad
    pinkdryad Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Mask shaming. Really? There are a myriad of reasons why people can’t and shouldn’t wear masks. I’m so sick of this garbage.

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    Ironhold  over 4 years ago

    I have serious damage to my sinuses due to a mix of injury and illness. I frequently have to breathe through my mouth, something that is difficult with most fabric masks.

    Yes, I actually almost passed out trying to help my mom do errands one day, and this led to an argument as she couldn’t understand why I was gasping for breath and struggling to walk.

    Things are a little easier with the paper masks, but the elastic keeps breaking on me.

    I’m working with the plastic face shields now, but since they’re so easy to fog up I can’t wear them while driving.

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    Nate England  over 4 years ago

    Duck and cover!

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  13. Missing large  over 4 years ago

    By my observation, at least 75% of people in public have been wearing masks since the beginning of May. If they were effective, why are the media reporting a HUGE spike in cases and deaths? And please don’t insult me with the “logic” that they don’t protect the wearer, they just protect the others. That doesn’t even make sense. If any air can get in or out, it isn’t effective. Cloth masks — with gaps in the weave measured in multi-microns — stop virions — measured in nanometers — like chickenwire stops sand. Why do you people keep believing this BS?

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  14. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  over 4 years ago

    Of course, nothing CLOSE to 75% of the people nationwide were wearing masks in public since the beginning of May. (Your “observation” might well be true for whichever limited area you were observing, of course.) And, of course, home-made masks are less effective. That doesn’t mean that masks PLUS social distancing PLUS hygiene don’t help to control the spread of the virus—it is a matter of objective medical reality that they DO help to control it. Finally, about the spikes: the spikes were caused by, among other things, massive crowds at beaches and other places for holidays of Memorial Day and the 4th of July (those got a disproportionate share of the publicity, of course), and the smaller indoor crowds at restaurants and bars and bowling alleys and barbershop and churches and so forth—with no social distancing and almost no mask-wearing.

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    944im Premium Member over 4 years ago

    they are ‘special’, the rules don’t apply to them. Thhey demand to see your manager

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member over 4 years ago

 If there is a rainstorm going on outside, and you must go out, then you can dress in a raincoat and use an umbrella, but, in the end, you will still get wet.

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    kodipepper  over 4 years ago

    I don’t understand why people don’t wear masks. Michigan has a law that you are required to wear a mask into stores, but it is not enforced. So we are at risk every time we go shopping.

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    Font Lady Premium Member over 4 years ago

    And so many schools are about to be forced into opening. Which is harder, I wonder, wearing a mask around other people or burying your child?

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