If noting else, being unwilling to wear a mask in public settings is a sure sign that someone doesn’t give a crap about others and will believe and expound conspiracy and nonsense if it justifies them being entitled and selfish.
Love the strip today, especially the last panel.Masks protect me from you and you from me. I takes only one person to infect an entire gathering, and one from the gathering to infect………Don’t forget to wash your hands and not touch your face. Have you ever looked at people handling fresh vegetables. And then looked at their hands. Ew. Something to do even if there were not a pandemic.I am not a germophyle, just aware of my surroundings.
I have to say this again………doctors and nurses wear their masks all day long while they are trying to save your life because you didn’t wear a mask or you gathered together with a bunch of mask-less people. Is it really so hard to wear a mask for a few minutes in the store or around other people??
Ask some one who had it (holds hand up). It’s real!! Luckily I had mild case but still dealing with phlegm. I am negative test wise now. One of my co-workers is going to have to retire due to his lung damages. He was a super fit guy in his 40s even competing in local fitness events. Wear that MASK!!! Mind your distance!!
lee85736 over 4 years ago
Regardless of position, the patterns on the masks don’t change. Can someone tell me what the pattern on the left is?
nosirrom over 4 years ago
Better safe than sorry
over 4 years ago
Hammy is simply the best.
epaphus8 over 4 years ago
I dunno … Hello Kitty masks might be an even worse plague.
Breadboard over 4 years ago
Verne must of slept in today ;-)
Jelliqal over 4 years ago
Thank you Hammy
Bill The Nuke over 4 years ago
Could you send Hammy and RJ our way for a bit?
Ellis97 over 4 years ago
Thanks for the safety tip, Hammy. We need those masks. It’s the law now.
masingermo over 4 years ago
If noting else, being unwilling to wear a mask in public settings is a sure sign that someone doesn’t give a crap about others and will believe and expound conspiracy and nonsense if it justifies them being entitled and selfish.
wirepunchr over 4 years ago
Is Hammy a participle? He does seem to be dangling.
stairsteppublishing over 4 years ago
Love the strip today, especially the last panel.Masks protect me from you and you from me. I takes only one person to infect an entire gathering, and one from the gathering to infect………Don’t forget to wash your hands and not touch your face. Have you ever looked at people handling fresh vegetables. And then looked at their hands. Ew. Something to do even if there were not a pandemic.I am not a germophyle, just aware of my surroundings.
Perkycat over 4 years ago
I have to say this again………doctors and nurses wear their masks all day long while they are trying to save your life because you didn’t wear a mask or you gathered together with a bunch of mask-less people. Is it really so hard to wear a mask for a few minutes in the store or around other people??
KEA over 4 years ago
I have dragons on mine courtesy of a talented niece
dcoyote over 4 years ago
It’s a poodle with a bone :)
TimSchmal over 4 years ago
Done drank the Kool-aid
kttolleson over 4 years ago
Thank you!!!
Vet Premium Member over 4 years ago
Ask some one who had it (holds hand up). It’s real!! Luckily I had mild case but still dealing with phlegm. I am negative test wise now. One of my co-workers is going to have to retire due to his lung damages. He was a super fit guy in his 40s even competing in local fitness events. Wear that MASK!!! Mind your distance!!
Ukko wilko over 4 years ago
Fried squirrel.
lindz.coop Premium Member over 4 years ago
If only.