I was out my walking my cat leash-less in a semi-rural neighborhood when we saw a woman pushing a baby carriage down the street. There was a trail of faint meows coming from that direction. I waited as my cat sat on the side of the road. Sure enough, it was a “cat princess” in her own pram, meowing regally to us she went by. I could swear my cat shook his head. :)
willie_mctell over 4 years ago
I don’t see anything unusual here. My grandchildren have always meowed.
bakana over 4 years ago
They are a family of WereCats and the children keep turning into Kittens when Coochie Cooed.
mistercatworks over 4 years ago
I was out my walking my cat leash-less in a semi-rural neighborhood when we saw a woman pushing a baby carriage down the street. There was a trail of faint meows coming from that direction. I waited as my cat sat on the side of the road. Sure enough, it was a “cat princess” in her own pram, meowing regally to us she went by. I could swear my cat shook his head. :)