“Truth” is the wrong word anyway, because too many people hear it as one half of a binary choice. “Fact” is better – provided it’s also recognised that “facts” are often approximations or simply our best interpretation of things at the time – and that there may be other, or more precise, interpretations.
(Does the Moon orbit the Earth? Yes. Well – no. It’s more accurate to say that they both orbit their joint centre of mass – which happens to be well within the Earth, but still quite a long way away from its centre. But they don’t quite do that either, because of the peturbations introduced by other bodies in the solar system. And so it goes.)
RAGs over 4 years ago
Truth is not nuts, though what some people claim it to be is.
Nachikethass over 4 years ago
Delainey and Rasmussen need to get out and smell the fresh air (through masks!) They’re getting very negative!
Sanspareil over 4 years ago
Truth is merely a lie that hasn’t been found out yet!
fredd13 over 4 years ago
“Truth” is the wrong word anyway, because too many people hear it as one half of a binary choice. “Fact” is better – provided it’s also recognised that “facts” are often approximations or simply our best interpretation of things at the time – and that there may be other, or more precise, interpretations.
(Does the Moon orbit the Earth? Yes. Well – no. It’s more accurate to say that they both orbit their joint centre of mass – which happens to be well within the Earth, but still quite a long way away from its centre. But they don’t quite do that either, because of the peturbations introduced by other bodies in the solar system. And so it goes.)
DaveQuinn over 4 years ago
Junior is a very analytical young man, but then his dad is a teacher.
MartinPerry1 over 4 years ago
That’s not truth. That’s wishful thinking.
car2ner over 4 years ago
sadly a lie spoken often enough can become “truth”.
heathcliff2 over 4 years ago
Badly worded truth is truth. Excellently worded lies are lies.
MCProfessor over 4 years ago
Lately truth has become endangered in this nation.
Alberta Oil over 4 years ago
See how your president trump has perverted our youth.. And.. they are our future.. EEK!
Jim over 4 years ago
I got nuthin’.
fritzoid Premium Member over 4 years ago
We use the word “facts” to describe what can be verified; we use the word “truths” to describe what we refuse to even question.
fix-n-fly over 4 years ago
Hmm – having the word “Bud” in the same sentence as “observation, experience, and careful study” seems to be an oxymoron to me….
Daeder over 4 years ago
He’s ready to become Rudy Giuliani’s apprentice.