Listen I’ll empty the bottles while you build the ships inside of them. By the time I pass out you will have enough bottles to keep you going until I can legally drive to the store to get more bottles to empty. we’ll make it a business.
Moonie may not be the best Rôle Model, but his approach to dealing with ’rona-caused leisure time is eminently practical. An extra bottle or two (or three) is not so bad under the circumstances. And he may even eventually get the ship built in one of them!
Or do like the Chinese do. Create a bottle with a perfectly seamless bottom, put a ship inside, glue on the bottom, then stick on a “MADE IN the U.S.A.” label. :D
Grumpy Old Guy over 4 years ago
Moondog is going to build himself a fleet..!!!
nosirrom over 4 years ago
“What do you do with a drunken ship-in-a-bottle builder”…
Sephten over 4 years ago
I’ve made a few ships in bottles. Moondog’s got the right attitude — supplying yourself with empties is a real chore.
theincrediblebulk over 4 years ago
Listen I’ll empty the bottles while you build the ships inside of them. By the time I pass out you will have enough bottles to keep you going until I can legally drive to the store to get more bottles to empty. we’ll make it a business.
jel354 over 4 years ago
Don’t get too comfortable Moon Dog. NYC museums have just reopened.
Sisyphos over 4 years ago
Moonie may not be the best Rôle Model, but his approach to dealing with ’rona-caused leisure time is eminently practical. An extra bottle or two (or three) is not so bad under the circumstances. And he may even eventually get the ship built in one of them!
Snoots over 4 years ago
Or do like the Chinese do. Create a bottle with a perfectly seamless bottom, put a ship inside, glue on the bottom, then stick on a “MADE IN the U.S.A.” label. :D
cuzinron47 over 4 years ago
You’re gonna need a bigger bottle.
Out of the Past over 4 years ago
I’ve wondered how they did that when I would see one. But not too much. Would just forget about it. This time I finally googled it. Quite the chore.
gopher gofer over 4 years ago
it’s always important to have backup…
Frankie5466 over 4 years ago
August 16, 2004 well moondog did you ever figure out how you got the stapler in the last one?! lol