MythTickle by Justin Thompson for April 27, 2011

  1. But eo
    Rakkav  almost 14 years ago

    Reaching anything wonā€™t ā€œbeeā€ the problem. Moving anything will ā€œbeeā€.

    Oh well, if bees can have a father-son talk, I suppose ā€œbeeā€-ing a stunt bee isnā€™t so farfetched.

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  2. Missing large
    niaje  almost 14 years ago

    dont let the critiscm sting you! you cant be a drone all your life!! be all you can be!!!

    (awesome easter strip jt)

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  3. Solicore
    Solitha Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    As long as he always bee-lieves in himself, he can do anything!

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  4. Zippy56995996595959995956959599956956599569511111122222333333
    Hugh B. Hayve  almost 14 years ago

    Exitā€¦.stage left!

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  5. 345n8kj
    as363  almost 14 years ago

    Or left for the unaware (I.A.T.S.E. member)

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  6. Smiley3
    mntim  almost 14 years ago

    Now, bee, we need you to fly really fast at this speeding carā€™s windshield. Donā€™t mess it up. You have only one take.

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  7. Missing large
    prrdh  almost 14 years ago

    Wouldnā€™t the idea be precisely to ā€˜mess it upā€™?

    But thatā€™s the least of Scab Beeā€™s troubles. Wait until he encounters the African bees Karma and company are bringing back.

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  8. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  almost 14 years ago

    Okay kid, but at least promise us that whatever else you do on that bike, you will not jump the shark.

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  9. Yellow pig small
    bmonk  almost 14 years ago

    Hmmmā€“he could do most of those feats, or at least appear to, if he went into actingā€¦

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  10. 61 puffin back
    coloharpare Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    as363ā€¦..I think that was ā€œhouse rightā€ (assuming we are in the audience), aka ā€œstage leftā€ā€¦.but maybe youā€™re used to viewing from backstage! (non-union theater professional)

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  11. Missing large
    Snoopyfan10  almost 14 years ago

    ā€œFast Fiveā€ little beeā€¦.. I love this!

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  12. Tourney08c
    Charles Weir  almost 14 years ago

    Perhaps heā€™ll get a part in ā€œBee Movie 2ā€

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  13. Turkey2
    MisngNOLA  almost 14 years ago

    Yeahhh, see thatā€™s part of the problem with folks today. Theyā€™ve been told for so long that as long as they ā€œbelieveā€ they can be anything they want to be. Itā€™s a load of horse muffins. How many people ā€œbelieveā€ they can sing well enough to be the next American Idol for example? I donā€™t watch the show, but having seen some of the auditions, I can attest to the fact that no matter what a lot of those people believe, theyā€™ll never be singers. And what about the 6 foot basketball point guard who ā€œbelievesā€ that practice is for other folks. I guess all that believing is going to get him a championship ring in the NBA, wonā€™t it? Or how about the person who believes that if he just plays the number one more time, heā€™ll hit the big score and never have to work again? Or the people who believe that God will keep their child who is diagnosed with leukemia from suffering and dying? Or the people who believe that the sitting President of the United States cares one whit more about them than the previous President cared. Yes, just keep on believing and anything is possibleā€¦NOT. I believe Iā€™ve said too much.

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  14. New boody icon
    Justin Thompson creator almost 14 years ago

    MisngNOLA: Iā€™m going to make you feel better about things. When I was in high school, I was so skinny and weak, I could barely bench 60 pounds. I wasnā€™t allowed to even try out for the football team, even though I wanted to. When I grew up I wanted to be a superhero, I wanted to be a professional cartoonist, I wanted to be an actor, and I wanted to be a stunt man. I achieved all of these things. Even being a superhero- I was Batman and Robin Hood in stunt shows, Captain America at special openings, I acted on the professional stage and TV screen, and I now get paid to be a cartoonist. Iā€™m no more special than any other day-dreamy, weak-armed kid out there who wants to do something different. I learned how and I busted my butt to go get it. And M, really, Iā€™m not bragging, even though Iā€™m apparently blowing your bubble all to hell. Please know that I am not slamming you at all. I only wanted to point out an alternate viewpoint. There is still time for you to go for it. ;)

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  15. Missing large
    Jsanford86  almost 14 years ago

    INdeed, Justin! Look, believing obviously isnā€™t the whole story. You have to work toward what you believe in. Sounds like NOLA sat around and just believed, thinking itā€™d be handed to her on a silver platter. When I was 11, I decided I wanted to be a cartoonist. I believed that with hard work and dedication, Iā€™d succeed. I did. Just because your life sucks, NOLA that doesnā€™t mean you have to go around peeing in other peoples pools. Whiner.

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  16. Turkey2
    MisngNOLA  almost 14 years ago

    For those who wonder, my life is very good. I have no beefs with it. I have a good-paying job which I like, I own 2 homes, and am well-known for always having a smile on my face. If you think thatā€™s the point of my post, then perhaps you need to believe in your comprehension skills a little more. My point was was that unfortunately, many people believe things that simply are not and will never be true. Both of you also chose ATTAINABLE goals instead of the fantasy goals that the people I was posting about choose. I never said that you canā€™t do what you believe if you choose realistic goals and pursue them vigorously. Iā€™ll answer Jsanfordā€™s post, as he/she makes incredible suppositions about my life with no basis for doing so (btw, read the first paragraph of this post), by saying thereā€™s not a single place in my post where I whine about my life, thank you very much. Nor do I pee in anyoneā€™s pool who has a clue about real life. What my post was about, is people who believe in things that will never happen, no matter how much they are told that believing in yourself makes everything attainable. Choosing wise goals is just as much a part of success as believing. Go back and read the situations I listed and compare them to what you posted about your life and see if they even remotely coincide. I think youā€™ll find they donā€™t. And btw, Iā€™m a ā€œheā€. And Justin, thanks for trying to make me feel better about things, but thereā€™s no need. As I said to Mr/Ms Sanford, Iā€™m very happy with my life. I simply get a bit impatient with people who think that whatever their fantasy is, they can achieve it, just by believing, and they therefore make poor choices, or wind up always blaming someone else for their failures. Think about how prevalent that type of story is in todayā€™s news. If you want to be even more specific about it, look at Doonesburyā€™s thread, with Sam hoping to catch on with Prince Harry. Even if she does, and makes her dream a reality, what happens to all the other girls who thought and believed the same thing, and traveled great lengths to make their dream come true? Again, the overall point was to choose attainable and realistic goals. That doesnā€™t mean they canā€™t be lofty ambitions. I applaud both you and Jsanford for becoming professional cartoonists. Itā€™s a field in which few actually make the grade, despite the artistic talent many folks have. I can see that it takes more than just drawing ability to carry out story lines, and to contiuously come up with fresh ideas. Itā€™s the same in nearly every artistic endeavour, music, film, literature, and even in the business world. Were either of you my children growing up, yours are especially the types of goals I would have nurtured, but I certainly wouldnā€™t have pushed my late son who was 5ā€™7ā€ to pursue a career in the NBA. get the drift? Iā€™m not blissfully ignorant, but right now, about the only thing in life Iā€™d like to have that I donā€™t is my sonā€™s life back, but as he was murdered by an armed robber with a shotgun, no amount of believing or hard work on my part will make that happen. Jsanford, what cartoon do you create, and is it available online? Despite your unwarranted jumping to conclusions about my life, Iā€™m still interested in seeking out new sources of entertainment. Youā€™d probably be surprised at the types of toons I enjoy.

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  17. No chimp
    centaur1  almost 14 years ago

    (awkward silence) OK, now that you both have that off your chestsā€¦ā€¦ā€¦nice cartoon todayā€¦ā€¦..uh, everybody agree?

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