If you need evidence that intelligence was overrated, just notice that one species evolved the intelligence to create the internet. We plains apes are the only species that needed high intelligence to survive and pass on our genetics. Everybody else, from dragonflies to Coyotes did very well without brains that burn large amounts of energy.
Darwinskeeper over 4 years ago
Okay, so Anasigma did have decent intelligence on Artie. Their kill team just didn’t think to read it before they acted.
Darwinskeeper over 4 years ago
If you need evidence that intelligence was overrated, just notice that one species evolved the intelligence to create the internet. We plains apes are the only species that needed high intelligence to survive and pass on our genetics. Everybody else, from dragonflies to Coyotes did very well without brains that burn large amounts of energy.
crookedwolf Premium Member over 4 years ago
Just exactly where were you stashing that file?!
Ida No over 4 years ago
Start move, Bravo-boy. Now Artie’s going to escape into the vents and you’ll never get to him.
bob-droid12 over 4 years ago
Looks like Artie had his name legally changed from RT-5476. Bit surprised he kept the Narbon name though.
cactusjack99 Premium Member over 4 years ago
hahahaha, I love Skin Horse. I suppose the sexual tension just went in the bucket.
6turtle9 over 4 years ago
He doesn’t look like a gerbil.