We compost our kitchen waste. Nothing fancy: just a hole I dug in the woods. In it goes grass clippings, pulled weeds and anything of the vegetable kind from the kitchen (cores, peels, science experiments from the back of the refrigerator). Quite often we have unidentifiable plants growing out of it.
My compost pile in MN would often produce potato plants from discarded spuds that I’d not eaten soon enough. The plants received little sunlight, but the tater tots (about the size of cherry tomatoes) they produced made for a tasty snack when fried in butter and smeared with sour cream and coated with home grown chives.
Strob over 4 years ago
The eyes have it.
Concretionist over 4 years ago
?rooted potatoes? … okaaay…
eromlig over 4 years ago
But their parents still won’t let them marry Tom Brokaw.
SHIVA over 4 years ago
The eyes have it!!
dflak over 4 years ago
We compost our kitchen waste. Nothing fancy: just a hole I dug in the woods. In it goes grass clippings, pulled weeds and anything of the vegetable kind from the kitchen (cores, peels, science experiments from the back of the refrigerator). Quite often we have unidentifiable plants growing out of it.
dshans over 4 years ago
My compost pile in MN would often produce potato plants from discarded spuds that I’d not eaten soon enough. The plants received little sunlight, but the tater tots (about the size of cherry tomatoes) they produced made for a tasty snack when fried in butter and smeared with sour cream and coated with home grown chives.
PO' DAWG over 4 years ago
“She makes me sick!” “As soon as this pandemic is over I’m getting a face peel and my eyes done.”
the lost wizard over 4 years ago
She just decided to let it grow out.
Zen-of-Zinfandel over 4 years ago
Today’s toon has amused just a few commentaters.