Yes, I'm Hot in This by Huda Fahmy for September 04, 2020

  1. D34yd011pr76kiehfi3m
    ikini Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Reminds me of Lt. Commander Data’s reaction to Dr. Pulaski’s mispronunciation of Data’s name. “Dayta, Datta, what’s the difference?” “One is my name; the other is not.”

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    Hanmerhack  over 4 years ago

    I would like to meet the artist one of these days, but I’m scared I’ll mispronounce her name and she will end me.

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    shamest Premium Member over 4 years ago

    actually seems easy

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    sew-so  over 4 years ago

    I have a simple, five-letter, phonetically-spelled name. It is very unusual, but similar to other names that are not mine.

    When I was a child, I was too shy to speak out. In my 20s I corrected mistakes almost always – exceptions being a “humorous” police officer in a foreign country where I was working and needed a driver’s license, and a friend of my mom’s who thought he was funny. It didn’t help. By my mid-30s, I just rolled with it.

    Now I realize that there are often reasons, some good (poor hearing), some bad (can’t be bothered), some normal human (didn’t listen carefully enough). None of it is worth getting stressed over at this point, I’m nearly 60 with enough real problems to deal with. Plus, if they think they’re being funny, ignoring them is all they deserve.

    I’m sorry, Huda, but it only gets better if you stop meeting new people, and that gets boring, fast.

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    atomicdog  over 4 years ago

    A version of my last name has a “g” in it, mine does not. I’ve been fighting that “g” all of my life.

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    mistercatworks  over 4 years ago

    My family name is one that is sometimes spelled with an “e” on the end. People always ask me if the has the the “e”. I tell them, “No. We’re not pretentious.”

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    Teto85 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    I pity my mother. Her maiden name was Shcherbatskii.

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    JH&Cats  over 4 years ago

    A little grumpy today? Don’t take it out on poor Susan—she kinda has a point.

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    quanyindove  over 4 years ago

    My boyfriend’s name is Zsombor. Quite a few people have a hard time pronouncing it. I ask them if the can pronounce Zsa…as in Zsa Zsa Gabor. They pronounce it perfectly. When I tell them to just put a “mbor” at the end of “Zsa”, quite a few people can’t do it. Some have got it though. My mom gave up and told him “I’m just going to call you ‘Bob’”. I felt so bad. : (

    My name is pretty easy, I think. I go by “Shell”. Short for Michelle. It is amazing how many people it throws though. As if it is the most different name they ever heard of. People can just be weird. ; )

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    me_the_polish_gull  almost 4 years ago

    Susan, next time, say ,,Who da hell?"

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    Decepticomic  over 3 years ago

    I feel like this is a message to certain criticisms of the strip. Not that I’m complaining.

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