Peanuts by Charles Schulz for October 15, 2020

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 4 years ago

    eye roll indeed, Sally’s older brother

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    Sir Ruddy Blighter  over 4 years ago

    It never occurred to anyone I went to school with, either

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    dcdete.  over 4 years ago

    Write a report on Rivers? Would that be Joan Rivers, or River Phoenix? I know why not combine the report and write about both of them? You’ll sure to get extra Brownie points.

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    jagedlo  over 4 years ago

    Back when you had to research stuff instead of Googling it

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    InuYugiHakusho  over 4 years ago

    Sometimes the direct approach is the best approach.

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    dflak  over 4 years ago

    According to one story, Henry Kissinger was a stern taskmaster. He asked his subordinate to prepare a report for him.

    The following day Kissinger called the man into his office where he tossed the report on the desk, pointed to it and said, “Is that the best you can do?”

    The man mumbled some apologies, took the report and went back to work.

    Kissinger repeated the act the following day. Again the man went away dejected.

    On the third day, the man broke down and replied, “I’m sorry sir. I can’t do any better.” Kissinger replied, “OK, I’ll read it now.”

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    jpayne4040  over 4 years ago

    Hey, what are big brothers for?

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    Ellis97  over 4 years ago

    Kids these days. No common sense or ambition.

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    geese28  over 4 years ago

    Hard work is as much a rare superpower like commonsense in these days

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    summerdog  over 4 years ago

    Sally’s best report would still fail, poor classroom challenged thing that she is.

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    gantech  over 4 years ago

    Of course, nowadays she would just lift one off the Net and put her name on it.

    Remember the TV series “Welcome Back Kotter”? In one episode, Kotter caught one of the Sweathogs plagiarizing a paper. He was ready to lower the boom on the kid when he realized it was the very same paper he had plagiarized when he had been a student there.

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    spitsdog11  over 4 years ago

    they still make peanuts comics????

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    raybarb44  over 4 years ago

    An oldie but a goodie

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    DCBakerEsq  over 4 years ago

    Hard work won’t kill you. But, it will certainly ruin a perfectly good weekend.

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    ChessPirate  over 4 years ago


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    Number Three  over 4 years ago

    Charlie Brown in the last panel is like “Is this kid serious?”

    Or his trademark “Good grief!”


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    phoenixnyc  over 4 years ago

    I’ll give you a head start, Sally:

    “Why the East River is Not a River.”

    You’ll start an immediate controversy, and if controversy sells, it should also net good grades.

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    Lightpainter  over 4 years ago

    Sally seems related to Calvin here; same work ethic.

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    hagarthehorrible  over 4 years ago

    That suggestion apparently takes the treacherous path, which most of us would like to avoid.

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