Intelligent women tend to be educable. I once made the mistake on a dating service of saying I was looking for “intelligent women”. Of course, all women (probably all men, as well) think they are intelligent. Now I ask about college degrees. Not all intelligent women have degrees and not all degrees require a lot of intelligence but it does narrow the field considerably.
Leojim over 4 years ago
Brain, spelled. ……..%&$×€ £€÷
eromlig over 4 years ago
It’s what you get for joining Mensa.
Kind&Kinder over 4 years ago
Dorothy, you’ve changed!
Jeff0811 over 4 years ago
That’s what happens when you fall for the strong silent type.
Zebrastripes over 4 years ago
Emptyheads always fall for the intelligent types.
Bernard Epperson Premium Member over 4 years ago
which right now is soaked with alcohol (hic)
WCraft Premium Member over 4 years ago
Said no woman other…(and it’s a shame!)
Gerard:D over 4 years ago
But…but…you are a blonde! What mind?
Diane in comics land Premium Member over 4 years ago
well, technically, they’re still after a part of her body since they’re not interested in conversation, which is what we figuratively call the brain.
DCBakerEsq over 4 years ago
I prefer a woman with a good head on her shoulders. And a killer body from the neck down.
tiomax over 4 years ago
Is she Abby? Abby Normal?
Andrew Sleeth over 4 years ago
No, I’m pretty sure zombies will love any part of you.
cuzinron47 over 4 years ago
I can’t imagine why, Abby.
mistercatworks over 4 years ago
Intelligent women tend to be educable. I once made the mistake on a dating service of saying I was looking for “intelligent women”. Of course, all women (probably all men, as well) think they are intelligent. Now I ask about college degrees. Not all intelligent women have degrees and not all degrees require a lot of intelligence but it does narrow the field considerably.